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I woke up this morning and received another channel, I am doing a video to explain it and hopefully after I give you the details we can complain to YT but because of this I am only posting tonight on PATREON as I believe this will not stop and I am tired.

This is what they do and then the channel is gone, if we had not fought that last strike a week ago, this second one would mean I could not post for 2 weeks and then the third, my channel gone and this time apparently it is for CYBER BULLYING, If they can't get me one way they will get me another.

Details will follow.

It could have been an abusive comment I targeted, Criminally fisted who I made fun of or that depressed chick Calise or whatever the fuck her name is where I told her she should just leave and stop talking about it, not sure if you can report a video if it isn't you who is being bullied.

IM posting a YT video in a bit referencing the material that received a strike




Don't stess, we got your back. Don't worry about Scewyoutube.


Ok, this is mos def getting on my fucking nerves with youtube now 😡 let us know what to do, we are all in.


The true crime community is chock full of people that want to deny their morbid fascination with murder by pretending they’re “raising awareness” and acting like they give a fuck about the people in these stories. There’s no such thing as a noble true crime YouTuber or podcaster. Every one of them make their fucking money reporting the lurid details of the end of someone’s life. I reckon whomever is posting up on your channel to report your every off color comment is likely one of these delusional fucks. Fuck em. Disingenuous cunts, every last one.


Someone is claiming you're *cyber bullying”? Some snowflakes can dish it out when the can't take it.🙄


C y b e r b u l l y I n g???? WTF?!?! Dude. Next they're going to start giving strikes for grammatical errors or vocal pitch.


Seriously, they pretend they are in for "awareness" but put ads on the video and get stupid sponsorships? How is that honoring the memory of the victims? At least Deadbug doesnt take out sponsors and ads and is legit about the fascination with death like the rest of us.


What mashes my potatos is that Youtube was never meant to be a family-friendly platform. That's what their kids app is for (and let's face it, the kids app is full of fucked-up shit that they refuse to deal with). You can't have the tagline "broadcast yourself" when you censor content creators because their content isn't "child friendly."


It could be that Cayleigh or whatever the fuck her name is, she strikes me as the type to be a victim


I became a patron yesterday so, while up to date on your films, I’ll need an explainer on the head cases that bleat for attention from the comments section.


The way YouTube allow people to copyright channels is pretty outrageous, especially seen as your channel is deleted after 3 strikes. A lot of YouTubers are having problems with receiving fake/unjust copyright strikes on their channels - and yet YouTube are doing NOTHING to stop people from abusing the copyright strike system. There is a YouTuber called Onision, he is a vile little bollox. Lately he has been copystriking numerous YouTubers because they criticise him... These YouTubers have contacted YouTube to let them know that Onision is abusing the copyright system by filing false copyright strikes - but YouTube do nothing to stop people like Onision. If you type 'onision fake copyright strikes' into the search engine you'll find more info. A bloke called Repzion (NOT Repzilla) had made videos of how he is fighting back against false copyright strikes. He's prepared to bring it to court if need be... YouTube as we knew it is sadly gone. Nearly all true crime channels are demonitised. Even news channels have been demonitised. YouTube are making big changes, they only want 'family friendly' channels. It's bullshit, because its all the small creators who have built YouTube up to how successful it is today, and now YouTube wants those those creators gone... I just hope someone opens a new video sharing site where creators can fairly earn money from advertising. Sadly YouTube is as good as dead and gone. The way YouTube have treated creators is absolutely appalling - they remain totally silent, ignoring creators. It's very frustrating when you see all the work that you, Deadbug, and other creators put into each and every one of your videos. YouTube are bastards!


If she did do it, then her ass either needs to admit she's still lurking on youtube or just quit entirely. Cayleigh posted a video saying was leaving youtube 4 months ago, and then she posted a like 3 videos saying they were her "final videos" that are about a week old like some hanger on. If she's quitting youtube, why would she give a fuck about what anyone says? Be gone, bitch lol I think its Criminally Fisted, to be honest. People are so sensitive for no god damn reason.


My boy dave gonna be sad when he don't see no deadbug tomorrow, maybe it will be the final push to get everyone who does care in here, sorry to hear this man, slamming an honest creator that don't try sell us razors, mental health "professionals", or any of the other shite no cunt wants. Cold hard facts for a cold hard world, get grown snowflakes 😔🤷‍♂️


I’ve never understood people’s need to “announce” they’re leaving somewhere on the fucking internet. Like wtf asshole you’re not in my living room, you’re not gonna let the cat out, fucking *GO*! Someone announced their departure in one of my Reddit subs the other day. Like wtf is the entire internet Live Journal now?


1) i havent heard anyone mention Live Journal in years! Haha! 2) i don't mind "quitting youtube" videos but the shit shouldn't be longer than 10 minutes. On Cayleigh's videos, each video is between 24 minutes to 8 fucking hours, trying to milk the shit. Sapping up money while they can, and if she was the one who put the strike on Deadbug on her way out, that's petty as fuck.


I am totally at a loss as to what is happening but also very angry.


Totally equivalent to IG or FB posts that say the same. Basically just begging people to say “noooo, don’t go, we love you...” you know, the virtual handjob 😒


“What mashes my potatoes...” officially my new fave saying. 🥰


Ministry is cool. https://youtu.be/XYYGKCanqfA


Ministry is my all time favorite been listening since early 80s


Hey Tabby Catt, as the resident expert would you happen to know....I downloaded Patreon thru the app store but signed up for Deadbug thru YouTube because I could not find him on the app I down loaded. The accounts are wacky...I get comment notifications through the downloaded app, but can only see DB's content if I go through his youtube link...if you write back hopefully I will see it...can't see messages


Hey it's Jim the orange fox. Jim sez The Social Network had great advice. "If you're going to throw a party, you may not know what the party could become, but you'll ruin any possibility of a party if you put: 'Ends at 10pm' on the fliers." It seems YouTube ends at 10pm these days.