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Being this is the end of the month and the worst time for Trolls (and boy do I get them, the last 3 days of every month is worst.) I thought id post something on it.

What is it with people’s behavior online? What is the difference between a Troll and a Snow flake?  Why the readiness to attack, the shitty tone, the lack of courtesy towards someone (hey asshole you spelt experience wrong) who takes the time and effort that they don't pay for, content that is clearly professional ? Yeah we all know anonymity brings  out the worst in people, which when taken to extremes turns into trolling, that bizarre impulsive habit of hurting others online, without consequence.

Well Egg heads set out to discover what traits in “normal” people might make them go the Troll route. Using an online questionnaire, the researchers at the School of Health Science and Psychology at Federation University in Mount Helen tested over 400 men and women for a range of personality traits, as well as for online behaviour and attitudes that indicated they are or could be Trolls —such as agreeing with the statement, “Although some people think my posts/comments are offensive, I think they are funny.”

The researchers were looking for character traits including social skills, psychopathy, sadism, and two types of empathy: affective and cognitive. Having high cognitive empathy simply means they can understand others’ emotions. Having high affective empathy means a person can experience, internalize, and respond to those emotions.  The “trolls” in the study scored higher than average on two traits: psychopathy and cognitive empathy.

So even though “trolls” show one kind of empathy, coupling it with psychopathy ultimately makes them nasty, the researchers suggested. Psychopathy, which includes a lack of care for others’ feelings, was measured using a scale where participants were asked to agree or disagree with a set of statements one being, “payback needs to be quick and nasty.” "I enjoy being on a YOUTUBERS page that lots of other people enjoy"

High levels of cognitive empathy make these people clued in on spotting what will hurt others, and knowing when they’ve pushed the right buttons. The lack of empathy allows trolls not to experience or internalise the  hurt or anger of their victims.

“Results indicate that when high on trait psychopathy, trolls employ an empathic strategy of predicting and recognising the emotional suffering of their victims, while abstaining from the experience of these negative emotions,” the researchers wrote. They added that because psychopathy is associated with thrill-seeking and impulsivity, it’s possible that “creating mayhem online is a central motivator to troll.” They also found that trolls were likely to be high in sadism—the need to hurt others—and were more likely to be male (that's a shocker).

In previous research, people who display psychopathic traits have shown a similar empathy imbalance: a lack affective empathy but normal levels of cognitive empathy. This study linked those psychopathic traits and higher cognitive empathy levels to people who are likely to troll. Studies also show these tough guys and gals behind a keyboard are generally picked on in life, overlooked and ignored and this is their chance to pay people back for what they perceive as this unjust life they have been given.

Apparently (their words not mine) Exploring the link between psychopathy, high cognitive empathy, and trolling could help deepen our understanding of the personality types that gravitate towards that behavior, and potentially help to stop them, which I dont believe because I think people will never stop what they enjoy.

I always wonder where the line on being a troll is, I had a message this morning about what a piece of shit I was of making a joke about someone being Lynched in on of my films. Now I did not watch that film to confirm it, Im pretty sure I didn't make fun of someone being lynched, I may have made a joke but would not "Make fun of" I don't think in any of my films i've ever made fun of any victim but I think the snowflake for me at least is borderline troll because they come to be offended and then leave as nast a remark as they can despite all the warnings I give.





Don't feed the trolls. Even acknowledging their presence gets their rocks off. Remember: you have only so many fucks to give, do not waste your fucks.


Julianna! You mean to tell me my fucks are numbered?!?!😳 lol 😛💞


#donotwasteurfucks Yes indeed we only have so many to give


Trolls always seem to dig deep into old comments thinking no one else will see them SMH it's a douchebag move


That is so fucking true, or they will reply to someone else comment so it is hard for me to find, their like fucking worms.... grubs!


Even comments that arent that old, but they try to throw something personal in there, to make their lame point, though no one cares or is listening. Have ypu noticed that Tab?


I, myself, am straight outta fucks you guys, lol


I think that these people are just loners who don't have a very interesting or happy life.. the more we give attention to trolls, the more they feel excited to do it. I'm one of those people who, if you really want to fuck my shit, GO SILENT! Nothing makes me fume and fret more than being IGNORED. Most bullies give up and go home, if they aren't getting a reaction to their bullshit. I'm most likely wrong, but the reason i don't write hateful shit on ROB DYKES channel anymore, is because he ignores me! LOL!


Yep I have it's like they choose someone they THINK is weak and prey upon them and then boo hoo delete their comments LoL


Yeah that's one way but when these bullies keep being stupid sometimes you gotta knock reality into their skull so they know just who their fuckin with..


DEADBUG! I remember watching your videos when there were only a couple hundred of us. Your skills have continuously improved. I told you back then that I wanted to support you, but I'm a teacher and believe it or not, we don't make a whole lotta money. But after the BS YouTube has been pulling, and the efforts of trolls who hate not being able to control those who aren't PC zombies, I figured I had to do something. Your content is too good to let it get quashed by YouTube and trolls. So, here I am, doing what I can. Keep up the incredible work, sir. As an egghead philosopher once said, "Play safe. And if you can't play safe, don't get caught."


Anyone know if the study collected any data on trolls who troll other trolls? Asking for a friend....


Thanks David, there is clearly no place for me on YT so you made the right choice coming here because I think I'm getting to the point of just posting here.


Hi David


Hi David. Welcome to the legion. The people here are fantastic. You will be happy here. Love from North London.


Trolls are just stalking you now and YouTube is allowing them to bend the rules to fit their motive.


Wow that is really very interesting and also makes alot of sence when you actually think about how trolls are