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He welcome everybody who has just jointed, here is the place to leave comments and introduce yourself. This weeks PODCAST is a catch up and talks about the current state of YT.

Have a great Sunday



GTKTD The Day After



New too as I said in the other post,the podcast works fine for me it is computer/internet so one has to expect some fuck ups it is the nature of the beast.


My name is wershel. I am not a cunt.


I was just waiting until I got back from traveling to become a patron. Been putting it off for months since I found the channel. I wanted to support you cuz I dont want you to stop. No one does crime and murder the right way, the way you do it. I cant watch anyone else's shit but I want to see dead people so I support.


I dont know how you have some of the fans you do. But whatever, it takes all types to make a creator create I suppose.


Also YouTube is a bunch of cunts. I used to be able to see anything I wanted to on YouTube and since 2015 they've been a bunch of real assholes about content. Get me the fuck out of your social engineering and let me see people shooting each other.


Hey Deadbug, You can digress, use foul language, and whatever else shoots yer gun, as long as there's cuddling in the mix!


Only 5 minutes in, but... Criminally Fisted <3


The podcast helped drawn me in but YouTube being asshats sealed it..


Greetings DEADBUG says. I still need to listen all the way though this. Love your Art your very talented & the research wow. I spaced out what we were talking about. But I'll tell you one thing I think roll call sucks reminds me of school. No worries. Welcome all new Legion members at patreon. DEADBUG I have a serious question can you put your music on a couple hour video or whatever with a million commercial breaks, that we can let like play while sleeping or in another room or whatever or just doing our work listening to the music not minding the commercials and clicking the links. Okay my question is can you benefit their will they let you have add money? All love for you here brother


I'm gonna up grade my phone Friday it gives me unlimited high speed but I'm proud to support you and the legion anyway ..love me some deadbug ..is all good I'll binge watch at in town if I have too lol I'm luckier than most someone people have no service at all up here in the mountains..love your channel and content ..thank you for sharing with us


They won't let him monotize his channel whatsoever., It's a dam shame too!!!


Hiiiiii! New here! Catching up on old podcasts. Loving every one of them so far! Not always vocal, but always here....lurking. **insert creepy audio here**


I discovered you when I was checkingCurious World's sub page and it was the corruption in the mental ward and wanting to hear the corruption in the funeral industry that made me want to support your work and its quality. I've edited video (not professionally) and the hard work you put in was quite obvious to me. couldn't believe it was a one man operation. Experience. Talent. Dedication that money can't buy, (and doesn't) If you want a bunch of morons for fans (90% of the population on Earth) You have to provide entertainment for morons. if you hade more time you could make two channels. 1 with rich content and the other watered down. Like take one of your videos pixilate over the more grusome parts and voice dub over the soundtrack, in a bland voice replacing "retard" with "disabled person" and" Fucked in the ass" with "From behind" I think it would be funny, and if it drew on new subscribrers then what the hell. just my opinion, like assholes, everyone has got one. Thanks for all your hard work, btw, I'm broke right now, is why I'm a freeloading tier 1 patreon.