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Hope everyone is have a great weekend.

Here is this weeks PODCAST.







Lockerbie upload was amazing, I don’t know why you don’t have a million subs either but I guess it’s like all good punk bands, unappreciated at the starting point, but your time will come! Anyways regarding your computer, I don’t know if anyone has suggested it but Argos does finance/layaway, I have shite credit and they’re willing to chuck a MacBook my way. Hell, I think they’d give a 12 year old a MacBook at this point in their dying trade. Could be something to look into!


my credit is bad at this point sadly. If my time is gonna come it better come soon!!


Oh man sorry to hear that, I know how it feels but thought it would be better to share the information than not. Hey, I know of lots of cash in hand jobs that happen after midnight in Soho 😉


TABBY, how do i contact you in private? Wanna run an idea by you about a fund raiser for a new computer..


My fellow LEGION members, I just watched Lockerbie and saw a comment from LORD PALPASHEEN that was no so nice to DB. Naturally I had to respond. You will find it under a REPLY he made to GREG MURPHY, roughly 19 hours ago.


That Lockerbie documentary was fucking fantastic


Hey DB! Hey Legion! DB first I would like to thank you for the shout out. Proud to be a Patreon wish I could do more. Your Lockerbie video was incredible and it's easy to see you worked your ass of on it. Your an incredible artist and you don't need to prove a fucking thing to anybody!!! You deserve a huge bottle of red wine and just lay back an chill!! Pat yourself on the back cuz I really think Lockerbie is an award winning video if awards were given. You are so right in saying that there was nothing funny or humorous about it and you handled it so graciously!!! It truly amazes me that people won't pay just $1 damn dollar a month to support you but watch your vids all the time. I know if I had it I would be more than happy to give more. I'm very disappointed that your subs didn't go up after your collab with NF. cuz that was an awesome intro you did!!! I was listening to you talk about that flood and yes it can happen in a split second. If you ever have time or you may have heard about it near me in Ellicott City, Maryland their historic district suffers severe floods on Main St. all the time. I think it was last summer we had a severe thunderstorm and Main St was flooded again washing away cars people etc all the businesses some almost completely submerged 2 people died and it happened in a few minutes. My son's gf's boss was one of the 2 killed. Mother Nature can most certainly be a bitch!!! I thank you for the track to the music in Lockerbie I love the song!!! And DB just know we here all love ya and have your back 💯%. Rest, relax and just bask in knowing your fucking amazing!!! I'm gonna go hit your tipjar. Have a great night!!! LEGION FOREVER!!! Oh an by the way I found the troll Paul was talking about and paid him a visit. 🤣🤣🤣


First I gotta say i am addicted to this channel so that is why i am new member now, next I like to give a shout out to Rob Dyke.................................................................................................."get the fak outta here you faking sissy" 🤣 .The content on this channel is fire and love it and hope it has millions of followers in the future.


Elbert sounds like a Socialist.


Hey DB, I know you don’t do “requests” but I wondered f you’ve heard about this Bianca Devins murder? 17 year old insta girl who got half beheaded by a stalker who posted pics on his Instagram. Sounds like something you’d be interested in. Here’s the pics (warning, it’s graphic) https://forum.deathaddict.co/threads/e-girl-beheaded-on-instagram.35160/


I tagged you in a thread on Twitter that goes over most of the key details. My username on Twitter is A Dumb Smart Guy.


A dumb smart guy is my nickname for my ex! Just take away the word smart and it’s an exact match!


Hey Doris, thank you for making me feel better and I got your tip thank you:)


Deadbug, your boy Rob is starting shit with one of my yt friends, calling him a racist.. I can't figure out how the fuck he's coming up with this shit. I was going to @ you in the tweet but don't like to just blindsided ppl like that. Rob truly is a fucktard.


The Lockerbie documentary was excellent, the 'cleaner' style made sense with the subject matter. It could a great intro to the Deadbug style. I also posted it up on r/aircrashinvestigation since I thought some of the users there would also appreciate it.

Cybernetic Federal Republic of Kaltovar

"It's like being on a bus and hearing someone say gays give you AIDS and Negros steal from you. They're just painting themselves as a retard." made me LOL. I hear you say faggot a lot but support you anyways even though I'm gay BC I could tell you don't hate gays (and I support free speech) and this just confirmed that I was right. You're actually the first creator I've ever supported, seeing as how I've never had the money before. Truth be told the bubblewraped society is physically painful to me at this point ... I'm just glad to see somebody who doesn't let whiners dictate their speech patterns.


You know it's kinda funny, I occasionally say faggot, or even N*ger.... and it is aimed at certain people, I work with gay people everyday, in Asia I worked with transgender people every day, and I really don't care,I judge everyone as a single entity, IM ol school in my language and my terms but no I don't hate gays LOL, not even a bit, in fact i have a great admiration for anyone who can be their selves and admit their true self because it is a tough journey that i am not sure id be prepared to make.

Cybernetic Federal Republic of Kaltovar

Honestly think everyone should be able to say those words and people should be judged by intention, like George Carlin said. Society is very surface-level. A lot of the time the ones they condemn as racists or homophobic would be the ones fighting Nazis with them if WW2 suddenly kicked off again.