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Despite all the warnings I have given on the channel, in the description and at the front of the video, a marvellous snowflake has appeared. Please follow the link, I have pinned the comment, let's see how long it will take to MELT THE SNOWFLAKE!!!!!!




I love these dog piles, should be a patreon tier imo haha 😅


And this little snowflake cried waa waaa waaaa we'll send them home!!


I'm back missed the hell outta u all


Dude went on a adventure went to court got 30 days in jail caught a new charge gotta get some sweet revenge judge gimme 30 days in court so I'm sitting in one of two holding cells at court house waiting for transport to jail transport officer shackles me to a guy who messed with my niece years ago I warned them that it wasnt good if they put me on the bus with scum bag he laughed it off so I went along played it cool soon as we got rolling I head butted the MF knocked him slick out almost knock my self out in the process then stomped this MF out until they taze me spent first 4 days in the hole got 4 degree assault charge got maced but I fill like a brand new man and judge gimme OR bond on new charges said I shouldn't even been on same bus as him a


Would do it all over again been waiting for the right moment even though wasn't the right time I said fuck it would do it again tom dammit it felt good


Youre a tougher man then me, I've been jazzed and in jail and id prefer to avoid both FOREVER....glad your back, keep your fucking head down and stay outta trouble!


Gonna try my best bro today is a good day getta catch on on some new videos sleep in my own bed tonight lol


He went away, probably in a snow drift somewhere


He/they/her/zer delete their post?


Glad you got through it, Robbie. Listen..stick around this time.😁 We missed you! 😊


I miss u all too 😉😉 and I will try my best to behave 😁


Oh yeah I about forgot my b day is 20 this month


Gotta feel bad for the snowflake, going up against you bunch of welding torches. He was gone by the time I got there 😂


Love this 🧡🖤 It's a surprise video handpicked for me to watch again, and if they havent ran yet I get to let loose some suppressed anger win/win


I missed this one, even a cpl days ago. The snowflake melted before I could my 2 cents in. Damn