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I got this email today to my private email, that I have on YT in my settings for business opportunities (that I never get LOL). Oddly enough about 20 minutes later I got an email from another GMAIL account offering me a sponsorship deal with the clothing line, which I believe is fake but also from this same person, I also received another email of a picture of me (yes there are pictures of me out there for any of you bored enough to look) anyway they emailed me a cute of me fucking a Japanese woman with the caption "I'm not racist honest" that they did in some photo application. I find this email very funny because they are playing the pity card. Oh yeah and the email was tittled "Feel Better?"

SO LEGION, what do you think....TRUE OR FALSE?!





Fake as fuck DB. This is a possible corporate hit job. An insider at YT or Google is a butt-hurt SJW snowflake. They don't pray either, their god is big government.


Inspired by Thomas Mann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCRZZC-DH7M


I loved your reply back (had to pause it at the right time) which was basically: "If I said something to you you deserved it you bag of shit now crawl back into your hole" haha


Hahaha yeah im not too subtle but on the other hand if I took the time to leave a message on your channel its because you said something that upset me!


I've seen many pix of you, and you're a total STONE FOX!!!


My answer would be true


hey Deadbug - could you please post the email pic of you fucking the jap chick? we wanna see!


I've seen pics of you and personally, I hate how pretty you are lol... My gf told me, that's it, I'm taking my hall pass and fuckin you off, Lane...


Lol... No I did my research... Found you pretty easily thanks to the PayPal name. Love the pic of you w the midget lol


But hey, I like to imagine you're the coolest dood on Earth, and my girl likes to imagine you're the hottest... Don't ruin the fun. Lol. Love ya brotha


I like to imagine those things too haha doesn't mean they are true, but saying that I am both LOL. Thank dude!


Yeah that's the fucking thing about PAYPAL, I gotta use my real name, which I fucking hate, I don't want to be the face of a channel, I could do it but I just dont wanna be a Rob Dyke sorta character, I've done my time in front of the camera and it makes people nuts, I dont want people knocking on my door at midnight to say hi LOL


Hey bro my apologies. Feel free to delete that comment if you'd like, or I will if you want Really... I don't wanna cause you any problems bro


Nah were among friends here, I delete shit on YT, very select group here so all is cool my friend all is cool!


Ok my friend. Apologies anyways. I'll keep that to myself from here on. Hey can you tell me how to get the movie you offer patreon members please, when you get time of course? And thank you


You should be able to get it, THE TOILET SEAT MAKER? Skroll down.


You should have asked him to send you a copy of the death certificate.


We can only hope that it's true . Couldn't of happen to a nicer guy. As you said to much time on their hands . LFNL SON 😎🇬🇧