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Hello you filthy animals, due to popular demand I have decided to start uploading a song a week from my soundtrack music. These will be songs I get allot of people in the comment section saying "I love that song" or "Where can I get that song" These songs are from music I pay to use and they are not available to the public but for a day or two, I will upload for you.

This weeks song is "Take your time": by Martha Bean

I have used this at the end of a view of my documentaries so I am sure it will ring a bell, This is a wave file so it will be large and not play instantly if on line.







Thanks :) and the bennies of being a patron keep coming ...


This is a new thing I will do if people want me too, I should do more stuff and I will, it ids getting the time and the know how, sometimes I get angry you guys support what so many other people enjoy but don't! I guess that's just life.


Cool. Did you expand to iTunes podcasts? I just got a notification.


Tabby thats the least you've ever said since I have known you!


I certainly would like you to continue the uploads. Not to speak for everybody, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your time and dedication.


I searched you a while back. Had a page but no content. Now all of a sudden that song you uploaded popped up.


Thanks, DB. What a nice treat!


What a sweet song. ❤Thank you.


My Current problem Josh is Im working 12 hours a day to get Saturdays joint out, when I do a mid week joint I have to increase that day to 14 hours, if I stop and try to figure something out like PODCAST, I risk not releasing something Saturday, unfurtunetly I have caught myself in a bit of a whirl pool.


Im really into that country infused sound recently. It plays well in my films, not too somber but with a dash of melancholy.


One of things I want to do, and need to do but id need to take a week off.


Some of these people are cranking out a video a day and it’s trash. I’m mean how many “creepy” photos/video can there be? What you do is quality and can tell a lot of work goes into it.


A video a day> LOL I can't imagine how amateur that would be. Its a joke how much work I do for one of my joints, my script writing, research, sound design, I am my own worst enemy.


I don’t understand how people are just reading other people’s stories from Reddit and getting paid!


Funny you should say that Josh and I have thought about this.... I think for the most part.... less and less these days but lets say....3 years ago, YT is for amateurs, anyone can upload with not allot of talent, lets say criminally fisted, what he does you could do on your phone, and who knows he may well just do it on his phone. People take solace in watching something homemade and amateur, if they want professional content, they go to NETFLIX, I offer the same quality as NETFLIX and that throws people, they feel safer with Rob Dyke because that is what YT is to them, it isn't a guy in a professional edit suite with high end graphics, its a chubby guy who doesn't get laid and reads comic books, talking into his phone reading reddit.


I know, Josh. Isn't that fucked up? They read Reddit posts like r/entitled parents and make a killing. It's crazy.


Thanks,Deadbug. I love the songs so bring 'em on. 😊


Then I read the comments and people fawn over them like it’s their personal story. Lol the fuck?


Yeah it is very odd, I don't get it but again you see some of Rob Dykes fans, they literally are old ladies and this is what they want (Im sure some of my fans are old as well) they don't want television quality stuff, if they did they would be watching TV. Listen to criminally fisted, he was never even given an opinion, he is literary reading, he reads into his phone for 3o minutes then goes and drops generic images over his talking. Then people respond "you need to have your own tv show....WTF? Where? In the Philippines? even they have better production values..... it baffles me, I sit in marketing meeting months before i do a tv show and discuss best ways to get viewers, true crime on yt goes against every thing I have learnt.


What a haunting voice, love it. Thank you.


DEADBUG wheres my birthday shout out? Im sad you forgot me


Oh don't be sad on behalf of Legion HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂🎉🎈


Thank you DeadBug. You are a swell guy! 😘


Picturing the images of the video while listening to these lyrics is hauntingly beautiful. It showcases your skills as a true artist so well.