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Would commit such evil. Not a month goes by that I don't read something like this happening in the U.K.


How Kayleigh was groomed and killed

A man has been jailed for raping, murdering and falsely imprisoning schoolgirl Kayleigh Haywood. His friend has been jailed for grooming, sexually abusing and falsely imprisoning her. But how did the 15-year-old come into contact with the pair? What happened before she was raped and killed?



Poor kid. Those men are not human!


Karma will get them in the end, the sick and twisted individuals out there should never experience peace


The only thing lacking is that the bastards were immigrants. That would have pushed the headline further up the page. Did this happen as often decades ago, or are we just hearing more cases because of the instant aspect of today's news ? Locally, we had a case 2 years ago. The actor was found festooned with 10 used condoms, and a stone block over the remains of his head. They should have let him live. The destroyed anus alone would have made his remaining days hell on earth.


It looks like Beadman got roughed up by the police. Good! Sick fucks! I hope they get violently fist fucked in prison until their organs rupture.


I read some study that says these things always happened but we just hear about it more and that the world is no lesser a safe place but I'm not sure about that, is it just the media lulling us into a state of contentment?!


Lets hope although these days it is hard for cops to get away with shit!


Imo, if the media were lulling us into a state of contentment, they wouldn't sugar coat the violence. News used to be dead bodies in Vietnam. Survivors of the Bataan death March. The SLA and Patty Hearst ... or Tiananmen square uncensored. I think the violence is just more random. And as much as it sounds like granny hollering 'hey, kid, get offa my lawn', I think a combination of meds and fake violence desensitizes people. Trust and security are first world luxuries, anyway.


It's sad to know that there are people who still get lured into these kind of situations. All my life I have been hearing all sorts of stories about kidnappings and murders, that started via a website, or chatroom. Im lucky enough to of had a mother who knew of the potential dangers of some paedophile waiting to groom out a young child and eventually rape and murder them. So basically I learned real fast why you dont use the internet to meet people, your going to eventually find the wrong person and end up found ass up in a gutter with a bloody cum soaked butthole.


What did the neighbor do? She saw a young girl running half naked and get pinned to the ground by a middle aged man and did nothing? Or is that who turned them in? Anyway, what sick fucks. It seems like England has pretty lax sentences for these types of crimes, but I hope they go down for a long time. These are the kind of people that belong in prison. .


Unless they are a DEADBUG patron, of course. We are quality people over here😉


I've always thought that British people were all about "manners" and being "polite" and well groomed .. telling long-ass stories with their smoking jackets on, and saying things like "quite right" or "indubitably old chap!" .. no?? They murder too? What the fuck is this world coming to?


This story just broke my heart. And is a prime example of why my poor daughter had a very overprotective, suspicious of everyone, mother. Fuck those pos assholes. I have zero sympathy, empathy or concern for ppl like them. Fuck them all.


I agree with you, but its always good to be safe, even on the internet. That's why we have stories like this one. Remember knowing is only half the battle. G. I. JOOOOOOOOOOOE!


Nothing bad with being overprotective!! I was one of those mom's too 😉


Love how in the two mug shots the asshole on the right looks like he got a beating ... but why'd they spare the guy on the left? Give them a sneak preview of what life will be like in jail for them both! fuckers


Hey did anyone hear about a German immigrant that was killed by an Afghan immigrant that came to the country illegally. The Italian German immigrant stopped this Afghan from raping a German girl and got killed in the altercation. The Afghan is under age and could face deportation without any jail time. So much for justice.


omg.. yet another REAL MAN murdered for being a "real man" I know this sounds really fucked up, but they have cyber-skin dolls now (adults, children, infants, gimps, etc etc) that you can order in the mail. Lots of creeps get the infant ones. It's so disgusting, but I wish people would just order a fucking DOLL and leave the rest of humanity ALONE!


Good ad . Did you work on ? Population grows & so the population of criminals does as well


Yeah this world is really fucked up. It always surprises me to hear the statistics of killers around the world.