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Hello someone mentioned that I should also post video here, not sure why I forget but I will try it out.


Sometimes the Reaper comes to reap at the most inconvenient times and rarely will he wait for you to finish. Hear are some of the more stranger sex related deaths.



Sometime the Reaper comes at the most inconvenient of times to reap.



It was a great video.


It really was a great video, Jackie. Definitely is a great way for me to end the day. Hope all of you Legion out there has had an awesome night/morning.. depending where you are at anyhow 🙂


Damn! Well i guess I'm in trouble when they test the jizz on end title of this episode...


enjoyed like a diabetic retard in a candy store you filthy bastard ;)


There are worse ways of dying, but probably none more awkward...


I already left a long comment on youtube about this video. All im going to say here is, poor Bob Crane. You finally escaped from colonel klink's prison camp, just so your best friend can beat you to death and jizz on your head and ass. What a shameful way to go. R.i.p. Bob Crane may the gods carry your soul to a better place.


Nice. Never knew about Bob Crane.


Great stuff DB. I'm sure you know but for the edification of your fans who may not, there's a decent flick about Bob Crane called Auto-Focus, starring Greg Kinnear as Crane and Willem Dafoe as John Carpenter. It's a seamy sleazy flick that'll make your skin itch but a worthwhile watch.


There's alot of explaining that needs to happen (in the Bobby C case), all I'm saying is... That's one heck of a misfire. being in the splash zone or getting hit with liquid shrapnel during spitroasting isn't exactly friendly fire, in fact; you're entirely too close buddy, maybe take two or more steps back. We never know how much baby batter gonna spray from the hose, and some ladies really like water sports face paint, or the gravybaby milkshake.