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I'd like to know from you guys what you think of these current wave of YOUTUBER's waffling on about depression and how they suffer.  I know this sounds harsh. I've suffered depression, and still do and yeah I am not completely cured because there is no cure, and it has and does greatly affect my life and relationships. I see lot of people saying that they are depressed and shit, and use it as an excuse to gain sympathy. This Cayleigh went on her channel, couldn't  even bother putting a brush though her hair, stuck a stereo-typical "I suffer from depression look on her face" then went on for 24 minutes announcing she is leaving YOUTUBE, while telling us she could not be on too long because her mom was going to bath the Dog, while making sure she puntuated ever second sentence with how she is going to be doing a big sale on all of her merchandise.

I believe YT is disproportionately full of people who have issues. There are exceptions but most well-adjusted people do not make YT their life. But I can't help believe that these people are attention seeking and that  many of these  you-tubers were depressed and lonely before getting into YT. They use YT as an outlet, an attention they can't get in real life and that these are their motives. The week before Cayleigh Elise made the announcement, she was tweeting "I have a major announcement coming up... , even did a tease video, even with her leaving she can't help but perform to the gallery and click baiters. Once on camera it was laughable her just sitting there like a stinky unbathed mess, greasy hair, half open eyes, okay bitch we get it, your depressed, don't turn it into a fucking sideshow! 

Guess what, life sucks, I have had shit in my life happen that keeps me up at night where if I think about it tears roll out of my eyes even in public places but I get the fuck on with it, what other choice do we have? Suffering is part of life and all of us have shit in out life.. But why must these people turn this into it being about them instead of it being about the human condition? Just listen too Criminally listed stutter through a video and the occasional shot of him flogging merch (at least his body tells me) clearly the guy is a looser and I know that seems harsh but he is one of those faceless people who walk the streets unnoticed, the type a girl wouldn't notice unless she ran over him and got caught in her wheels yet on YT he has found something and can even direct people to his website to answer questions about himself, so why aren't these people just grateful they have this?

Allot of these people on YT create a YT persona and end up "net famous" then realise at some point that people are responding to the persona, not the real person. When the camera is off, they have to actually live with themselves and function in the real world. When I present I am part character , part real me but I don't confuse the two and I think allot of this may be other You tubers problem.

I mentioned this in my ZIPLOCKED Ep that you got a guy like Rob Dyke being interviewed (and I do realise I go on about this guy but in my limited experience with YT he really for me seems the most detestable) and it seems he is literally creating his own reality, with tales of being a bodyguard , a Private detective and a Journalist things that are beyond laudable, and yet people are taken in, the things I say about myself are truthful and generally pretty easy to check up on, but when someone like Dyke says he is voicing a Game Of Thrones PS4 game, this is only an internet click away from being discounted, so why does it go unchecked and more importantly why does this person say something that can so easily be revealed as a lie? Obviously he like many others, seeks validation from the internet. 

I got a troll message the other day and perhaps it is unfair to say troll maybe it's just a misled dick head but the guy (from Pakistan or some place like that) said why don't you leave Rob Dyke alone he is half your age and he is one of true crimes biggest starts. Now no matter how laughable that is.... And it is pretty funny, this dude believes what he is saying, now what my age has to do with it and how he knows my age I am unsure but in away it shows how blindly people want to proceed with following other people, unequivocally without questioning things.

I went to Japan in 2010 when I was offered to shoot a Zombie Film for a major video game company, it ended up a nightmare and through creative differences I left the project midway through. At this point unemployed in a foreign country and not wanting to return to England where I wanted to avoid a troubled past I stayed on and ended up Directing cooking and lifestyle series with people like Martin Yan, Anna Olson, Chuck Hughs to name a few. It was after doing this for a few years that I realised how far I had strayed from film making, journalism and even music video directing, things that I was trained in but at this point, I was caught in the reality of doing 2 series a year making allot of money staying in luxurious accommodations and it was my life.

In 2016 I had a dream about Darlene Prioriello a person I knew as a kid who was murdered and I woke up in a hotel room in some foreign place and googled her and absolutely nothing came up except a very amateur website by Terri Prioiello reminding people of the brutality of her sisters murder and why her killer needs to remain in jail. It was this point with some off time in I think it was Malaysia that I decided to make the film on Darlene's murder because I felt Darlene needed someone to let the world know what happened to her but also if this sick fuck Dave Dobson got out and was working in a factory somewhere, a place where one of you or your children may be working and they google him, they will know despite what management tell you, you are working with a brutal killer! I uploaded this to a YT account id had for years but never used and forgot about it.

Fast forward a few months later and I log onto the YT page and there is an overwhelming amount of people saying that Darlene's film was the most real, stunning documentary on a film they had ever seen. Message and message from people saying they had never heard of the crime and how angry it had made them and thanking me for giving Darlene a voice. Now at this point, the accolades of "you should do this for a job" don't mean anything to me because I was already doing it for a job, what really meant something , meant more than having a beer back stage with Metallica or interviewing the prime minster of England.... was and still is.... that I am bringing an injustice out and doing it in a way that is different from anyone else. A couple weeks after this and Terri contacted me and she said "are you the person who made this film I need to talk to you". I was fucking terrified, I thought she was going to tear me a new asshole. She gave me her phone number and she was euphoric on what I had done and told me that everyone from Dobson's defence lawyers to cops to parole officers had contacted her about it with the same question "WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS FILM?"

For me this is what it was all about, I am an agitator and always have been, I enjoy stepping on toes and upsetting people but at the end of the day, I don't need anyones approval to make me the person I am, I do what I do at this point because I believe there is an audience that enjoys it and if depression becomes too much I will walk away from it and won't show up disheveled on camera with a look on my face like aI just ate a shit sandwich doing a 25 minute video on how I mentally ill while still fitting in Im having a big Merch sale and on the flip side I won't be flogging mental health services to the masses.

Now  no one mentioned BETTER HEALTH and Rob Dyke in the comments section of ZIPLOCKED , id be interested for you to let me know now.

Excuse my poor writing, Im a television writer not a Blogger but I thought it may be a nice change I write something, or attempt to write some, please as always tell me if this is something you'd like to see more of....if so don't expect my spelling or punctuation to improve TAKE ME AS I AM!!!!




If you´re sick, you go to the doctor, not on YT. I don´t see how that could help anyone that has a serious issue and maybe it´s part of the problem.


I agree, it is going to be a case the first person linked to these quakes goes outs and shoots up an office they will clamp down on it but it always takes a tragedy for things to change, all major YOUTUBERS have bailed but number one.... Dyke isnt a major yyou tuber and number to, he'd sell his mother for a piece of gold!


First of all, well said. Second, you do know that Rob Dyke had a contest and cayliegh won that contest right? And she works for him. Anyway that was just a side note. I think that if she was really depressed, she wouldn't have been pushing merch and not looking the way she was looking and not making announcement teaser tweets. I am severely depressed and you would never know by looking at me. I don't talk about it I don't announce it in fact it's the first time I am admitting it out loud. I don't want the attention I don't want to talk about it. To talk about it is to feel it and I don't want to feel it. so if it was me and I was severely depressed and I wanted to leave my channel I would leave my channel. No explanation no nothing just be done.


Sorry for my grammar. I'm using voice to text and it doesn't always listen to me when I try to punctuate.


Voice to text...at least you have that excuse, Im just plain terrible. Yeah I totally agree with you and yeah I new of this girl because her channel popped up and I thought she was as Hammy as Dyke then I found out she wrote allot of his stuff and about the contest. But what a joke, look at me, I didnt brush my hair today or wear make up...im depressed and let me explain the next 23 minutes telling you about it. These people have egos the size of a small country!


They definitely use all of that to get the attention of these young viewers. to gain sympathy so that they'll want to help in any way they can, I.e. purchasing merch, sending money, whatever they can do to help. Because as humans that's what we want to do we want to help it. It's exploitive and bullshit.


Then if anyone questions it call the abuse card like Dyke does, when everyone else acknowledges Betterhelp or what ever they are may be a scam, Dyke gets aggressive and says he will not be bullied off of what he believes is a noble cause and that YES he gets money but he'd plug them for free!


Exactly. My first experience with Rob was when he threw himself in the middle of the Matthew Santoro and his crazy ex situation. I felt it then, that he is a manipulator, a user and all around bag of shit.


Once I needed my gall bladder removed. Believe it or not I went to a surgeon, I never considered how bitching on YT might have helped me., lol. Since no one I see talking about depression ever gives any advice except a hotline everyone knows about, I have to assume they are making these videos just for attention and $. I'm not against either, but don't lie to get it. Although Robdyke and ce do seem like "sad" people, I don't mean sad the way they do, if you get me. Sometimes in comments I say personal stuff, but I wouldn't say things that make me very vulnerable, or ask people to go feel sorry for me while I'm raking in money and doing no work. It makes me instantly feel that their creep factor went up 50% and I am done with them. Unlike these people, you have led a fascinating life, and built character, so you don't have to lie to make things interesting. Just look at MSM to know a lot of people won't do research , they blindly trust people with a platform ( no matter how shaky), and lead from emotion rather than intellect. Sometimes you say something about what you did during a certain decade that lets us know you were at least 16 or 18 at that time, unless that was part character, so he is guessing your age, but you didn't sign up to be Robbie's role model, I thought YT was for entertainment or learning, not adopting and supporting the sad person of the month! I have long term PTSD, but I don't assume any of you want all the details, lol. You are the exact kind of person who should be doing what you do. Brilliant filmmaker , who moves us with your work, and tells us stories about your life and from places in the world I will never get to visit. And I could not care less if people think I compliment you too much, I think you know I mean what I say and that's how I feel. Sorry if this is rambling, I just woke up, lol.


YOU CAN NEVER COMPLIMENT ME TOO MUCH!!!! In all serious when I tell stories they are true stories that I tell in stories, the one thing I can say is that in everything I do I give a piece of myself, allot of people will say that's brilliant writing (referring to past shows I have done) but in fact im ver lazy, I just dig up things from my past and use them, that's the one part I enjoy about doing my films that allot of my critics hate, I add that personal element....whether a story about my Grandmother or whatever. I dont mind saying since I stated YT my financial life has gone to shit, but I share that because were here talking and I dont do it to play the pity card, it is me just being me, truthful and that if or when I drop out people who have helped out will know that the burden of this became too much. It bothers me the money Dyke makes and continues to make, is that envy? maybe.....jealousy....no....jealousy would mean I wished I could be like Dyke and that would never be the case, im a fallen star but at least Ive been there...envious because I could give so much more if my channel gave me half of what his gives him!


And write whatever, whenever. We don't care about spelling or grammar. I bet Ribs McDyke can spell "douchebag" , or " obesity" , or "cringe", doesn't mean anything.


Everyone is different though. I talk about my depression from time to time and try to share my experiences to help others. Maybe she doesn't have many friends. Maybe her subscribers made her feel cared about and loved. I don't think we should be too hard on her because imagine if she DID take her life. You just never know!! Some people cry out for help, look like shit, don't take care of themselves, get fat. And some suffer in silence and hide it well. Maybe it was her way of letting others know they are not alone in their struggles. I also think it's possible she has other mental health issues going on possibly BPD which could explain a few things. I don't know.. haha. I'm just an annoying empath!


That frustrates me too! A fool and his money are soon parted, and people probably go brag somewhere that they support RD!! All I think you envy is his exposure, because I think if you had just one film go viral, people would flock over to your channel. He just got A lot of subs when there were less choices, and YT pushes his bland , boring channel . God forbid someone hears all of the truth. PC culture is pathetic, and so are the people who push it. And I'm sure you could make more money somewhere else, I appreciate you being here. I never feel like you are trying to make us feel sorry for you. If you quit though, I will fall into a deep depression and make a lengthy video about it begging for money with no makeup and my hair filled with baby oil, lol.😉❤


Hahahaha probably!!!! I can be a judgmental prick too sometimes though!


If she wasn't connected to Rob, I'd never even think twice about it. I would definitely empathize her situation. And for sure we all handle it differently. I would never go out and attack her or voice my opinion to her. I do it here because it's safe. And because I really don't know. Just a feeling. Maybe she is depressed, maybe Rob is the one exploiting her. Something doesn't feel right. But I would never want anything to happen to her.


No way, too contrived, I aint buying it, doing a teaser on twitter, "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT COMING" Gimme a break! When I go, you won't get any fanfare! I dont buy my own hype!


Yes, and even when I am really down, I will fucking put on that lol gloss and grit my teeth in a smile for my son. She says she knows people follow her? Then be a good example . Let people see you trying. Corrine, you seem very kind.❤


When I moan to you its like moaning to friends and I get it outta my system, if I moan on YT it is a moan of saying, listen you think im here cause im getting rich???? " THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BE GRATEFULL FOR WHAT I GIVE YOU!!" I have said it many times, I thought id come on to YT and be a superstar because everything else was so lame and shit but I realised it isnt about being a superstar. Some guy messaged me earlier today and said " stop flashing a 100 images every 10 seconds, it isnt professional" I looked and of course he was a Criminally listed fan..... what can be said, YT is a different beast all together!


I definitely put on my happy face for my daughter. She has no clue about how I feel, and I never want her to know.


Exactly. Although man my kid is empathetic. He can tell a lot even though I do my best. I won't lie to him either so it sucks sometimes. But at least they are seeing that evil people can hurt you, and you keep going. His name is Atlas, I want him to be strong, lol.


Deadbug on Youtube is like serving oysters in McDonalds. People can’t appreciate. But some can, and they can’t get enough :)


Perfect, Simon. Yeah, in a world where quality is appreciated, you would have no money problems. The hilarity of that guy telling you what is professional in films is great. Please. But the thing is, he will never get why that is ridiculous. That is the problem.


It's just kinda funny isnt it, because at some point...well maybe not in India, but the guy would have watched one of my shows on TV but he is here telling me my stuff doesnt look professional.


I guess real film makers have a kind of holy authority youtubers don’t have. Youtubers are like you and me, but if something’s on Tv, that’s professional. Never mind the quality


I feel like a lot of these YT's are experiencing situational depression, they spend their lives craving God like worship from there followers, and when that isn't replicated in the real world they spiral . The ones that you need to worry about are the people that just disappear. For example grade a under a just stopped posting at the height of his popularity. I've been medicated for years but I still drag my arse out of bed to go to work and plaster a smile on my face. I suppose we will just have to put up with the fact that while mental health is in vogue YT's will post about it, until the next thing comes along. In the mean time I just want to say thank you deadbug for giving me a little something to look forward to each week, and most importantly putting a smile on my usually sour face.


But its sad DB left TV because they forced him to dumb it down, and now YT does the same damn thing. For less money. Where is truthfulness appreciated? Independent film?


And how do you write to tell someone how to make Their films??!! Make your own channel and blow us away with your brilliance or go away and shut up.


Television is very weird, you start film school and the first thing they say to the class is "chance's are none of you will ever make a TV show and only 10% of you will end up working in the industry" and you start this 4 year course thinking....fuck them im gonna make it. Then you get outta school and you realise they are right, its like a brick wall and eventually you get in a few doors but still the thought of making a show is unthinkable, and you are ridiculed for even thinking it and then one strange fucking day...BOOM, your making a TV show and for a bit you are this hero of sorts but then you realise "is this fucking it?" Im making a shit show no one even watches. Where as like you said, youtube anyone can do it. I came to YT thinking, is a fat guy with a beard and purple highlites the best YT has, im gonna be king!!!! Not the case LOL, different rules here!


Dead on accurate. P.s. I also suffer from sour face. If I hear "smile" one more time. Mfer I AM smiling. Lol


But its understandable that you would expect that. That would make sense. The rules here are ever changing, slanted waaaay left, and contrary to the success of their own platform , in my opinion. Do you know anything about Bitchute? Can you get paid over there?


You know I really don't know too much about anything on-line, im useless, Im at a real cross roads, I hate television and I hate the people in, I can't even hide my distain any more but it the only industry I can pay my bills in. I was in Asia getting treated like a king and I thought, ill go back to YT and have people tell me im a racist.


And wow that school sounds hard! But then you actually did it!! You are a filmmaker who has. made work he can be proud of , that people have enjoyed! You win, whatever happens with YT. That's funny, when I started dental assisting school , they told me I would have a job before graduation. Of course, that job sucked, lol.


Lol, damn that would be frustrating. You have to eat but Damn. I will check out Bitchute, just to see.


Hold up! Are you telling me that it's not just me with sour face? This could be a serious problem, there may be more people affected. We need to find someone to raise awareness of this terrible affliction. Do you think Dyke would be up for it? 🤔


This girl worked with Rob Dyke?? Doesn't she know about BetterHelp? Its almost like that shit is a scam and he doesnt recommend it to his friends.


I do know that Cayliegh chicks channel started off being a blog about her living with depression etc (edge of your seat kinda shit there, cause you know, she's the only one and all!) And as for Dyke and his association with "better health", the way he talks feels incredibly insincere and very sarcastic, I'd not buy anything he advertised as it always feels like he's pulling his next big con!


This is hugely off subject but have you ever checked out or heard about the brutal rape and murder of Christy Carroll? Two boys had been driving her to a friends and were even spotted by cops with her. She ends up beaten and raped and literally thrown in her own driveway/yard by the mailbox. The two boys stories were conflicting and they did admit to asking her for sex. It’s clear one of them wanted to come clean but his parents got a lawyer and stopped him from talking to police. This was in 1995 and it’s so clear the boys did this and even without dna this is a pretty great slam dunk circumstantial case and yet no one has been prosecuted or arrested. She was 18 and mother to a small child. Would love to hear you discuss this some day! ❤️


Christy was 18 with a 2 year old and got picked up coming home from a bar. A suspect was related to the sheriff. Sounds up DBs alley.


His audience is people that seek his attention. They spend hundreds to get some attention from him. To have him vape or answer a question... Sometimes it's just lonely people. They may have mental problems... For him to use his influence over them to get a finders fee is worse than robbing them at gunpoint. I've never called rob a fat gross pos on his channel, I've only put down his ads and he blocked me. Hes a gross person.


And there you go.... all woman are crazy..... why get involved, why air that shit on the internet anyway, people are crazy maybe because they have been made crazy.


Exactly, he really does remind me off that creepy salesperson in the electronic shop who tells you why the Blueray DVD player is worth 500 more then the other DVD player, someone who really doesnt care about the people who support him.


Or the Used Car Salesman who says "she's a real beauty this one" for every single car in the yard! I honestly think he's hiding something, be it past or present. It'll come out eventually. Better to be your own person than on your knees in an alley trying to make ends meet...


😄 Anytime. Legend has it that's what his mom calls him.


There actually is a video that covers it but its corny https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


DB I was really going thru some tuff times when I lucked out and found your channel I have kinda talked about it here and there I just want you to no that you helped me out alot I have found a whole new family of support and friends that have helped me alot too I fill like were all family and have alot the same intrest I truly appreciate you and what u do by keeping it real not just doing it for money or attention but for something u enjoy doing so thanks bro


DB is a really nice guy. And the community here is great. Ive joked with you before, I'm glad for everyone here I'm glad you are here. Its 3am in England and I know you're here now, or I wouldn't have said anything. I feel like I'm all over the place here


I'm glad to have meet ya buddy and I like a good joke I try not too take anything to serious any more lol


DB is in England right? Hes surrounded by those pussies. It's 9:25 in the greatest state of Alabama. Edit: Kentucky is ok


I'm kinda curious now if we're all in fly over states lol


And your from Alabama I thought u was across the pond too


Stephanie is in Oklahoma. We got a solid murican fan base


Yeah we do I've meet alot of awesome folks here in the states Mike tabby Dan steph elite nugz so many I cant keep up


I don't have a YouTube account at the moment. I didn't realize db put out a video 4 hours ago. Imma watch it now. Thanks for talking.


Hey Robert that is really kind of you to say, I sorry to hear that you were going through tough time, I really am, this life is too short for that, I hope things are getting better.


They will soon as I get out from under the mans thumb DB


Well when you figure out how to do that tell me and we can right a book together and make a fortune!


I don't mind if they use YT as a forum to discuss their mental health issues because there is stigma surrounding it and they want to share their truth, but it can get to the point it is a bit too much. Then I focus my attention elsewhere due to how depressed it can make me :)

Brian James

My camera was drink taking the picture on the left