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From: Denyse Van Leuven 

Okay, this is my story about the "apparition" I saw. About 6 years ago I "seriously" dated a guy I'd known for over 20-years. He lived in New Mexico, I live here in Southern California. After we hooked up we fell stupidly in love. I thought he was the dude I'd known all those years ago...unfortunately, he had changed, changed TOTALLY! He was an alcoholic (which I had NO idea about because he kept it on the low). So, suffice to say when he moved to SOCal from NM I thought everything was all good. Unfortunately he gas-lighted me, and abused me on the low...I mean, he never hit me or anything, but he constantly attempted to erode my self-esteem, self worth, etc. It was extremely hard to get away from him...I can't even begin to go into all the things he did to erode how I felt about myself. He stole things from me (which I didn't realize until later). Whether he was stealing jewelry, or weed, drinking every drop of liquor I had in my cabinet (which was another thing I didn't realize until I went to make a drink for someone). Just SO much, so many things he did that were really, really awful and began to truly smash away at how I felt about myself. SO I finally told him to get the fuck out...lose my number, I threw all his shit out on my front porch. He then came to my home and tried to "camp out" on my porch. The police became involved, his ma started calling me (yet another number I had to block), his friends called me...I was inundated. Fast forward three years...he had gotten married, and then tripped out on his new wife so bad she almost lost her kids (she kept calling me for 'help' to which my advice was LEAVE him). After that I lost track of him, apparently he had moved in with a junkie in the Pacific NorthWest. He'd been out of my life for so long the I wasn't even thinking about him until one day while I was shuffling through my closet for something to wear to a gig. I live in a very old house so my closets are tiny. I was deep in the center of it when I felt that he was in my house. I jumped outta the closet and faced him in my bedroom. He didn't seem 100% "solid" but it was most definitely him. I got HELLA pissed off! I said, "What the fuck are you doin in my house?! You KNOW you are not allowed here! Get the fuck out muthafucka! etc... When I turned away for a moment and looked back he was GONE! So, my ex (a dude in a pretty popular band who knew Bugs personally) was playing a festival. I always go to those cuz it's free and I can usually see peeps I know who I like to hook up with and visit. So anyway, there were all these mumblings about "Bugs." Finally, I went up to a friend who knows the both of us and she said the rumor was that he had died of an overdose. The day he "supposedly" (which was then later confirmed) died was the day he showed up - in spirit form - to my pad. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there to see and feel it. It fuckin blew my mind! Believe it, don't believe it...I don't really care...I just know that this is what happened to me. If I hadn't have gone through it myself I might also look at it in a "I'm not so sure" way, but there it is! Have a good one and thanks for taking the time to read this!


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