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Death by Porn



Nice fucking nice


Seriously DB is the master at film making for real


Great work, as always Deadbug! You have a lot of talent. 👍


It's great, Deadbug. ☺

Denyse Van Leuven

I really like that opening...thanks for sharing DEADBUG!


im done... i think shooot ill be back as soon as i can !


does patreon let you see for ever what you were able to see until you pay again or mine is broken?


anyhow i should be able to help again between tomorrow and the 5th !


i don't have the 3rd section on top * the comment section maybe i don't remember the sections name ( also the month i payed was finish on the 29, and we are the 29... so I think I'm not a paying patreon anymore .. ( ill repay between now and the fifth ) anyway i was wondering if since ive payed for the last month a certain amount i had access to certain things ( that i'm still able to see ) if its gonna stay as long as i have a account or not ( like being able to still comment here and such ) sorry if i don't make sense its like 6h20 am here and i haven't slept yet ! ( plus im a French Quebecer! lol .. perfectly bilingual until i haven't slept )


Okay dude, whatever works for you, Id like to be an expert on PATREON unfortunetly I just don't have the time. I like it when people can become members and support my work but if it doesn't work for them I'm not gonna stress.


I give this an A+


If you are able to access any of the patreon then you should have full access to whatever teir you're signed up for. There is no unpaid level or automatic downgrade. So just getting in at all means you're active. Maybe the app or whatever is messing up, that happens


hmm! that's what i tough but i don't have the community section... maybe a bug on website while loading ( ill retry to clear browser crap again ) ty


I think, like I always do, that you did a great job.


Some of those porn stars were cute. Shame they were porn stars. And had aids. And are dead. Well that about covers that. Great job


Yeah, August Ames. I woulda fucked her. Even if she had da aids.


It wouldn't have been hard, it was her job. We picked the wrong career path


I rewatched this one, I noticed the first time but the left wing is gay aids having homos, not the right.