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I think from now on I will be releasing these PODCASTS exclusively to my PATREONS, as a thank you to you guys. This episode is a follow up to the post I made about missing a trick or two, trolls and the difference between myself and other channels, or at least my perception but also me looking for your input.



Getting to know THE DEAD ep 7




I was watching crime watch daily with my man in need Chris Hansen and made a scary mysteries reference in a comment and someone told me about deadbug. Great stuff Ive listened for a week on YT and signed up today. I could be messing up but are these last 2 videos down?


Nevermind its the patreon app. Works great on their website.


Hey Jeff and welcome. Who is Chris Jansen and what two videos?


Chris Hansen hosted on Crime Watch Daily and busted all those pedos on Catch a Predator. He's been in money trouble he's all over the news here. Dont mind me man Ive been on patreon all of an hour, getting to know the dead 7 and 8 didn't play in the phone app but are fine on the website, so its probably me. Thanks for the welcome. Great channel


Ok cool never heard of the guy lol. I do a Patreon only podcast sundays.


I thought he was known. The show was they'd pretend to be children online and agree to sex with an old man, they'd lure these men into the house, embarrass them, then arrest them. Military men, teachers, priests. It's on YouTube now, the show's been canceled for awhile. I'll be here Sunday. This is my only patreon so no excuses.


My Son is Gay and im still here 🤷‍♀️ Maybe that's because I'm mature enough to realise that by calling someone a "faggot" doesn't mean you hate all gays. People are too easily offended these days.


I did like criminally listed and scary mysteries because I am really interested in true crime and serial killers. However after seeing your channel I was blown away by the production quality, your twisted humour, and in depth look at the subject matter. I created a patron account just to show you some support. I'm not even subbed to those guys anymore. I also checked out experiment 53 du to your recommendation, he's got a good channel too.


Thank you for the Support. Yeah I have taken Experiment 53 under my wing, he had about 4 subs and I get I have featured him a couple of times and now he is growing, he is raw but has a passion and he puts allot of work into his suff.


Funny enough If I was gay, I would have no problem someone calling me gay, working in Television gay people are all around me, intact they pretty well outnumber strait people. If I had anything against gay people, Im probably in the wrong business. Being homophobic is from another era, if you have a problem with gays I think generally it means you have an insecurity with your own sexuality.


People in general aren't able to listen to someone that says what they think, they prefer others like them that will hide and filter every thing! ( the worst thing most can't understand is Sarcasm ! ) Gotta love Sarcasm!


Well you've definitely been hidden alright! I found your channel scrolling thru comment sections of several true crime channels. Now normally I don't even go away from a video to check said channel out, but this time I randomly did and I'm fucking glad I did! I just think you saying it like it is, un-PC is the reason why it's not easy to find because well you know. Everything has to be PC now


I used to have a group on Facebook covering subjects like True Crime and anatomy ( we thought people may be interested in how the body works so they'd understand injuries better) and it was quite successful. 32,000 members when it was shut down. Before you could join we made it quite clear that a lot of our posts may be deemed as offensive. Anyone complaining about posts being offensive was immediately removed and blocked. Every so often we'd post up a deliberately offensive, funny (but not hateful) meme to flush out people in the shadows that may have been reporting posts to Facebook. We called them Purge Posts. They always worked. Facebook did eventually close down the group for various ridiculous reasons like flagging a vid showing carpal tunnel surgery as nudity. A few months later, after about 30 trips to Facebook jail my account was shut down. The final straw for Facebook was when I was "discussing" being offended with a guy in a group. He was being a dickhead and because his surname was Papp I told him I suspected that cervical screening tests were called Pap tests after him as he was clearly a total fanny. Fagged as bullying. I was chucked off Facebook. It was worth it and I don't miss Facebook at all.