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Although I am a big fan of this dudes channel and have almost collaborated with him a couple of times, it stings this guy hitting 20k when 4 months ago he was at  13 000 subs and I was 4500, no denying that I will

 A)Never get a massive audience for gory uncut, unPC content.


B)Im missing a trick

because if I could bet away with doing the amount of work he does on each video id have a life. Maybe my stuff is just too intricate.

Any of you guys have some thoughts? 




Great ideas like! I agree with all of the above.


Its all youtube. They pick and choose who's content is worth promoting. The fact that you wont censor or have Ad rev means youtube will always keep you out of the recommended. A few youtubers i know with just 300 to 1000 subs that make non controversial content still never get that much growth, mostly due to the shitty algorithm


This youtuber i watch name wineboxpapi has 61k subs, he swears and makes funny ass anti PC jokes about race, sexual orientation, everything under the sun and his content is reviewing 90 day fiance and Love after lock up. Somehow he got ad rev. If he can do it and get ad rev, im sure deadbug can get a shit ton of subs too, damn it.


I've always wanted to ask you if you'd consider being a little less-graphic-not the right word but close enough- but I love your work the way it is. I also didn't want to offend your by implying I think you should change it for anyone. But since your asking imo you are going to grow much faster if you either make a 2nd cwith less offensive language or (o much more well known cases. I hate both options but youtube is horrible to content creators it deems controversial . I obviously will support you either way but I'm an adult that also understands you have to make money. I don't know how you have done it this long. Everytime I see chills channel I cringe & get pissed.


For me, I think murder is offensive and to try and sanitise it, tries to make it less then what it is, ultimately how I deliver my stuff is me as Im guessing Rob Dyke is an over the top queen and criminally listed sounds like he still lives with his parents, what you get from a channel is a personality and what you get from mine is my personality, I say Pussy, I say fuck I don't generally say vagina unless were talking about a crime on children.


I absolutely agree and find it so strange that people want everything nice and pretty.. Especially murder. Sorry for my typos I'm on my phone and my birds "helping"😂


Good, ultimately to do that would be trying to compete with the channels I generally detest, dumbing myself down, when I turn on my mic, yeah to a degree I am a character but I am also myself, I really would need to make other content, I left working at Crime and investigation Ch because id get so furious how they wanted me to dumb things down even on crimes like Jack the Ripper so I promised id do it on my own and be brutally honest, to go back on that now would make the loan I got to start up this channel and all my work would be in vain.


I used to be a patreon supporter of his as well. Still love him but after he started to grow I figured my $ could help a smaller channel get going. Love Myles.


YASSSSS... I'm so glad you feel this way!!! I respect the shit out of you for not changing. I'm just aware of how bad the platforms treating you and I'm not wealthy enough to fund your channel. I do feel guilty about it though. Your the one working for very very little & I don't want you to stop.


If half my subs, actually if 5% of my subs gave to the channel half as much as you do I wouldn't be moaning like a bitch LOL, really.... you are amazing as with a few other of my strong supporters are. Obviously Im just having a moment really when I seen a channel over take me by so much in such a short time with even that channel admitting to me he's embarrassed at how low my numbers are because my content is so far beyond his....well that speaks volumes of my predicament .


Hell, see if you can get some kind of deal with Liveleak if youtube starts getting too much of a hassle 😄 I'm sure they can make you their version of pewdiepie, except idk about 80 mil subs, but shit, a bigger following would be nice for ya. And Liveleak dont do sensitivity like youtube 😊


But you got a loan so i know that would be useless to switch now.


Liveleak have already come to me twice offering me massive exposure to solely post on there platform but regardless of what the trolls say, I'm not into racism or the hatred that permeates there and if you have ever read the posts it is pretty nasty. Id rather be called a racist then expose myself to the postings I see there.


Yeah that's my problem I just defaulted on a load so life is shit at the moment, to turn back now would be giving up on something I invested so much in when I keep thinking im close to a break though....it that makes sense. I guess seeing Mystery files hit his number getting almost triple my subs in a couple of months threw me, when I know he does it on his phone and it really is a hobby for him and not an on going concern. He is an awesome guy by the way and I am happy for him because I enjoy his content and believe it is true to his personality.


Like I said, you keep thinking a breakthrough will happen and then you get to a point it doesn't and you become a bit lost for what to do, to turn back would be such a loss.


Never stop being you deadbug! You are why we are all here to begin with💋


Unfortunately this world has become where people want you to sugar coat everything in their lives. And if you don't agree with the crowd then your trolled. You are the only one that I'm a Patreon for. There's a reason! Because you don't sugar coat anything! I respect the truth. No matter how hard it is sometimes. So don't change for people who don't understand your work! They will never get it. Tell them if they want their ass's kissed to head on over to Dyke's channel. I'm so happy to be apart of the Legion family! 😘🤘💖


Hey DB, new patron here, and i am so glad I did sign up - the podcasts are some of my faves. Looking over everyone else's suggestions, I agree with almost all of them. I think the only thing I could add right now is that I think collaborations with others might be a big help. I know you worked with Nightmare Files, with great results, but how about some other content creators with really high subscription levels? If all else fails, how about a celebrity endorsement? I hate to sound like a cheeseball, but if you got 'recognition' (tweeted, written up online, whatever) by someone like trent reznor, david fincher, or marilyn manson, you could bring attention too your work. That's probably just one of my pipe dreams, and I'm no PR specialist. Just a really big fan.


Hi Sasha thank you for the support, ultimately someone is going to want to collaborate with me, sadly if a channel has a million subs they don’t want to help me out, as for the other things on no PR expert either. Glad you like the podcasts, I post them every Sunday.


This is obviously old, and sure no one is gonna see this now, but what if you post private youtube links to the gory stuff for us, and just toe the pc line for a popular channel. advertising no blurs and no censorship in your Murder by design #20 had me searching for that damn video on Vimeo and in this feed for 50 minutes. Peoples channels blow up because people love the appearance and feel of impropriety. Give them the taste of it, and leave bread crumbs for what we really want to see.