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For all non insane LEGION members who don’t believe we are in a relationship together and that I am leading you on and need to be blocked off PATREON and YT, PLEASE join me 10 o’clock NY time Saturday night for ZIPLOCKED Special where I will be online chatting live!!!

Be there or be square!




Ha Ha Ha!!! Yay!


Tee hee hee hee, what happened to the video with the timer?? Am I missing something?? I just woke up to find crazyness has occurred 😬


I reuploaded it for a better time. Yeah I woke up to a very threatening message from someone you may know threatening me, telling me she warned me not to fuck with her and now apparently she is going to get even, not a pleasant way to start my day. Seeing that 9n PATREON.


Not kool!!😈 Ooo I hope I don't know them I'll have to go all postal on their ass!! And here I thought one of my cats got ahold my phone LoL I be there, you take care. Threats are not in legion declaration!!

Denyse Van Leuven

Hey Tabby...You can ALWAYS tell who he crazy ones are. huh? Thanks for the reminder (to set a reminder) for xmas eve. Have a good one GF!


You do know them and I thought I knew them as well, out of know where they start threatening me and say they warned me “ not to fuck with them” so needless to say I am baffled, I relized they seemed a bit unbalanced but this.... I didn’t expect.


You have a wonderful holiday and an even better New year 😊


Ahhh man I'm pissed off!! I would love to take care of this problem for you. NO ONE FUCKS WITH DEADBUG! especially if they are infiltrating Legion!!


I'm baffled, I'm trying to go back to sleep but this is on my mind. Now it's 323am and I can't believe The audacity ! I feel like I have to apologise for the crazy idiot even though I I haven't figured out who it is! 😕


Guess, it’s someone you talk too on every posting and someone who may be missing from PATREON comments


I have an idea but I don't wanna think she's a loon 🤔 WOW that sucks!!!


Think of how I feel, I’ve been chatting to her and never said anything inappropriate, nothing and then suddenly she started sending me 20 messages a day saying she loves me and we are one then I have no internet for a day and come back and she tells me she warned me not to fuck with her and she she’s gonna fuck with me.


Insane she just sounded like a monster threatening me and then left Patreon and that’s it, I was upset by it I don’t like to be threatened.


No one likes to be threatened, I've always said" if they can say it they can do it" I'm am so sorry. I feel the need to rectify this. It's fucked up I would never do something like that to anyone and I feel so bad you have experienced it 😒


Yeah it’s M, I don’t get it, I have never ever said one thing to even lead her on nothing, I’d wake up and there’d be 10 messages saying why aren’t you responding to me and I feel like I know you better than anyone and just nutting rambling . I would message her back and say , I’m 9n a different time zone without internet and I’m not really sure how you want me to respond to messages saying you love me and will never abandon me.


I tried to just be polite and ignore the comments then today these horrible threats.


Oboy I'm so sorry, I also say love ya but that's not gonna make me go over to the dark side if you don't respond wow I hope this didn't ruin your vacation. Try not to let it eat you up. I never would have guessed. Again let me send you swarms of butterflies for protection and blessings so you don't have bad energy around you. I have had loonys do shit like that to me, it was scary, I let it go! We have to remember out of 10 people at least 3 are secret basket cases. Sorry for your experiencing one of them. I got your back always 😚


Shit bro, I've worked out who it was and she seemed pretty cool but gave off a needy vibe. Damn DB that's fucked up. I hope she gets through what ever she's going through, I do feel for her still she got issues. DB you're a big boy (in many ways) nah seriously you'll handle this, if not, I'll make a video of your disappearance afterwards, in your memory off course. 3 days to Christmas bro, have a good one with you and yours.


Yeah you guessed it.


That's definitely insane DB! Groupies come with the territory I imagine, but this individual sounds like she's got a more than a few loose screws. 🤯


Bro that’s nuts! Just what you don’t need in life, more crazy fucks! I’ll be there with bells on. Haha


There are some ral crackpots out there


Indeed, not very nice to get threatened by someone who you thought cared enough to become PATREONS.


Hey you, yeah it is nuts, I think we all have issues, I know I have mine but to be threatened isn’t very nice.


Indeed, I wonder what her underlying motive and mental condition is


Going postal?! I'm a postal worker. What you saying? Jk. I am postal everyday it's a great job and any legion applying for usps I'll help out. Especially if you are a vet. If you live in your parents basement now you got both parents and me. 3 refs.


You already know it's just one of those sayings lol 😊. I appreciate everything my postal workers do you guys are the best. 😉


Oh your patreons are the most dangerous of all! Don't sleep deadbug... Jk lol


What the...? What is this post about? Damn, I missed the psycho!


so we aren't exclusive?


Well in this case you actually weren’t joking unfortunately