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Hey all my loyal Patreons, I am doing a hush hush Haloween special for the 31st and just for my PATREONS I will put  up your message or shout out to someone special who ever you want on the show and I will read it out. Keep it short anything you want to say I will show it and read on the show, please start sending now.



Shout out to my Papa it's his birthday, he's passed but I'm sure he's having a Johnny Walker Black!


Okay put in brackets the exact message and I will put in show :)


Awesome! Halloween has always been a mixed bag of emotion for me, a little bit of chocolate and a little bit of pencils 😒


Pencils? and send message you want asap because im starting to make it now.


Shout out to Legion. You guys rock! Happy Halloween! 🎃


[In my lifetime I have murdered 21 human beings. I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies Larcenys, arsons and last but not least I have committed sodomy on more than 1,000 male human beings. For all of these things I am not the least bit sorry. I have no conscience so that does not worry me. I don’t believe in Man, God nor devil. I hate the whole damed human race including myself.]. Quote by Carl Panzram. Please edit to your choosing...I highly recommend his autobiography. Everytime I contemplate his numerous quotable quotes, I hear your voice! Cheers!


Just to pile on, Panzram also had his own little motto: [Might makes right]. I understand that requesting you, Deadbug, to put your unique voice to this quote is asking a lot. However I feel that this quote is very powerful, especially if one knows Panzram's whole backstory. Deadbug, you are not a puppet! 'Do what thou wilt' be the whole of the law.


Hi David, Panzrams confession sounded to much like sick boast, Personally I feel saying it out loud only makes it more so. ATB Ray


A shout out to my other half would be great My nickname for her is Toad , and she is also a fan of your work, Thank you Deadbug


Hey DEADBUG, I have a message I'd like in your Halloween special: (Aneesa I'm Glad I Found You In The Spinning Jenny Tree)


Unfortunately Aneesa who the message is for, sadly doesn't have a YouTube account, she uses mine. She will get the message and she'll be blown away.


Yeah who wants to get pencils in their candy bag??? LoL.. I just wanna say( Happy birthday Papa , enjoy your Johnny Walker Black! )


Who the fuck is Anton? And if I was not a patreon supporter of Deadbug, how would I be able to post to this thread? If you are so concerned, why don't you ask Deadbug if I am a supporter? If Deadbug doesn't want to verbalize my request, then he won't. No skin off my ass. I don't recall seeing a request for opinions from anybody about our submissions, so why do people feel the need to criticize or comment at all? Seriously, do us both a favor. If you see my name and a post by me, just skip it. Don't read it, don't reply. I am sssooo sick of all this shit.


David is definitely a supporter and a really great guy, sounds like there may be identity mix up.


Tabby, I would like to apologise for my harsh and hypocritical reply. I should've attempted to determine what exactly about my post illicted such a response from you and explained myself in a much more civil manner. It just seems like every time I post something there is a negative response. Usually I can ignore it. I am too old and I don't have the fortitude to explain every post that receives negative feedback. I have done the exact same thing, and my response to you just illustrates my continued hypocrisy. I am trying. We are all here to support Deadbug - we need to support each other, as well. So, I am sorry.


David I went on your profile picture it says you are a supporter of no one, sorry for the misunderstanding maybe you just don't want people to know. I am also for ruffling your feathers so much. Like a bird, if it don't apply let it fly LoL. Anton Levay who wrote the Satanic Bible made up the quote Do What Thou Wilt.. Using that makes me think your intentions are not nice,as he was a pretty evil dude, just want you to understand why I said that. I also apologize, I was going off on what I saw. Legion is one so are we! If do see a comment from you I will not pass it by, I will ask how your day is going and just say Hi Hi

Denyse Van Leuven

Actually, "And it harm none, do what thou wilt" dates back to Pagans/Wiccans. So that saying was around LONG before Anton LaVey - just on da 411. ;)

Denyse Van Leuven

DEADBUG, If you're not too overwhelmed it would be cool to shout out to Pothead Mike for turning me on to you! You can use my YT name: Denyse Van Leuven. Thanks mate.


For halloween special, of course I can do that. Gonna be a good episode, hush hush only Patreons know about it.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 21:56:42 Hi DB Can u do a shout out to my daughter Talia Rose Valdez who loves the dark side of life as much as her daddy. Keep up the great work brother. Stay Cool & Ciao.
2018-10-24 02:04:27 Hi DB Can u do a shout out to my daughter Talia Rose Valdez who loves the dark side of life as much as her daddy. Keep up the great work brother. Stay Cool & Ciao.

Hi DB Can u do a shout out to my daughter Talia Rose Valdez who loves the dark side of life as much as her daddy. Keep up the great work brother. Stay Cool & Ciao.