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Killing Elin Krantz in one of my favorite documentaries that I have made but also by far the most controversial, I have put it up 3 separate times in 3 different re-edits and each one was taken down from youtube, really just too much but for your pledge, here it is in it's unedited form, un-cut in all its glory, enjoy, although that may not be the right word for this!


Killing Elin Krantz

This is not a political film, although it does touch upon some sensitive issues regarding Sweden's Immigration policies, it would be impossible not to mention these things being it was something Elin felt passionate about but also the effects her death had on Immigration debates in Sweden.



a fuckin banger, this ones horrific and def made me feel uneasy. LOVE THIS FILM


Plus they have fucking teams behind them. You do it a yourself, and it's stellar. You'll get there. And I have a big mouth and get behind things or ppl I truly believe in, and I believe in you man. 100%. 🙂


Wow! The poor girl f*cked a black dude... then another black dude came and f*cked her... to death! What a spineless POS he was too, and he only got 16 f*cken years. Such a sad story, nobody deserves that.


I just watched this again. Yea, I can see why it was taken down now... I think the first time I watched it all I could think about was how brutal her murder was. Brutal almost doesn't even cover what that pig did to her. Jesus, that poor girl... 16 fucking years. I'm disgusted. Makes you wonder if maybe someone else was involved...


Not seen this one in a very long time.This was back when my ex would pull in on her broom and we’d watch em.That girl was absolutely mutilated.Fucking horrific dude.I can remember YT used to send me a message if I was 18 cos of the nature of the video.They done a lot of ur stuff like that.Remember thinking WTF this isn’t more violent than anything else I’ve seen.16 years is a insult.NM getting kicked outta Sweden cos that MFer shoulda been kicked off the planet


The murder of Elin was big news here in Sweden when it happened. "Somehow" the crime scene photos leaked and spread fast on non-immigrant-friendly sites. Earlier the same day the killer had been celebrating he's kids birthday party... The parents went out in media and asked/begged people NOT to search the internet for Elins crime photos... And that's why they went viral 😑 poor girl


youtube wanted it off their site because it tells the truth they don't want told. WTF, the truth is the fukin truth and you ain't gonna change it. . When did the truth become racist? Look at by who and where the crimes are being committed! As one great American Earl Pitts used to say, Wake up America!


The left wing said: This didn't happen in Sweden. It happened in Africa! Right wing responded: Eh, no *proofs it*, and even if it was - do we want that sh*t here?! Swedes are polite and afraid of getting into argues. And we don't want the poor rapist and murderer to think we are racists, do we? Let's pretend this was a onetime thing that didn't have anything to do with the other 200 similar cases the same year, and just move on. Maybe I'm stupid or something because I don't get Swedish politics.


So it was Political Pussys causing it to get taken down, instead of just the regular Pussys. Although I can imagine the clip from the sex tape causing the members of certain Hate Groups heads to explode. Serves 'em right, those Hate Filled Pansy's, lol.


Careful what you wish for as they say. Sweden's immigration policies are far too lax, no vetos= nothing stopping someone with a criminal mindset just waltzing right in and Sweden spends NO time wondering why it has the highest rape rate in the Western world. Truth is racist, blah blah blah. I lean left politically (for the most part) but much prefer Australia's immigration policy. Import what you need (doctors/engineers etc) make it very difficult for everyone else and tell those with a criminal history "Fuck off we're full".


Diversified to DEATH ! She had no idea what she was advocating for ?


The people pushing these policies don't want the truth out there about so-called diversity...I'm thinkin...that's probably why it was taken down so many times. I remember seeing a film about aborigine in Australia and the eugenists wanted the colour bred out of them and to remove their autonomy and culture. Kinda what is happening to Europe as a whole...a melting pot of sorts.


This story reminds me of the young American couple who quit their Washington DC jobs to bike across the world. Daniel Austin and Laura Ganon made it to the Middle East before ISIS chopped their heads off. They were warned by friends and family but they believed love conquers all I guess.


Beautifully done. Love those graphics. The picture one at the end, And the rain. 👍🏾


So sad!! And the POS only got 16 years!! And I thought the US criminal justice system was a joke....SMDH😡


woah! this had me with very mixed emotions! NOONE deserves death by hands of others but these monsters make me rethink this with each and every one of your films DB!


“Happens every day, they kill them with their love. Awful tired now boss I’m gonna go lay down.” John Coffey Thank you DB your brutal honesty is what reflects the truth and that’s what they keep tearing down as you’ve stated so many times…. It’s that fucking mirror