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If I draw only the original character on my page

Are my subscribers okay?

The reason I ask this is because of copyright.

If I want to continue this page

I thought it was not appropriate to use characters from other games or animations.

I think this is a challenge to my growth, but I'm still worried that I can keep my page

It's hard financially.

I want to ask the readers of my page.

+ The original is fine, too.

+ No

Your comments will help me. and I think the result of the vote will help me.



Why are you so scared suddenly?


I recently got advice from my mentor. That's the wrong way... to think carefully. It will be a problem later.

Boris Chan

It's strange that so many other people is doing it fine when you get advised. I don't think most companies care, only Nintendo ones are more controlling on this issue. Honestly I am ok with original characters once awhile only. I much prefer seeing established characters =///=. I think you are worrying too much...


I'd say try a mix of both original and fan art then go from there.


Kkamja is never draw copyrighted character art? I can not never see your fan art forever?


No, it's okay if it's not a paid forum. We recommend uploading to pixiv. But if it does, I can not keep patreon.


전어느쪽이든 상관없긴합니다~


If it means more Cona I am okay with original only :)


Original Characters are fine. I think your free to do what ever you want.


People do art for other series all the time as long as they give credit, essentially.


Waero was also hit with a DMCA or w.e for using Pokemon.


뭐든 작가님이 그려주시는거라면 괜찮습니다^^


전 오리지날보다 지금처럼 섞여서 올라오면 좋겠습니다. 패트론 대다수들이 오리지널보다는 애니 게임등 자신이 좋아하는 작품의 야한걸 보고싶어서 하는거니깐요


As long as they are cute, it is okay! (´∀`)b


반반 그리는게 아니고 오리캐만 그린다고하면 그닥;;;