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Hey y'all, you may have noticed I've been around a little less lately - I'm sorry for crappy communication! I have barely even been on Discord, which has sucked ass. It's just a good thing that I film videos in small batches so I can actually continue uploading lol.

I made a blog post on here a while ago explaining that I got surgery on my nose due to all kinds of sleeping issues. While they did that, they also tried to fix a sinus problem I've had for a while. 

Big sadge moment seems to be that it seems I'm still having that sinus issue, it's been making me feel quite crappy over the last few weeks. I'm meeting with my doctor/surgeon again very soon in order to see what we can do, I'm crossing my fingers super hard I don't need another surgery.

Just wanted to make sure you knew I'm still around and still trying. I'm actually also hiring someone to help me handle Patreon content, so there'll be more stuff coming up soon. I'm sorry for being behind with things here, I appreciate you sincerely. 

Love you <3


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