10 mods released for FarmSim 22 (Patreon)
Hey guys!!!
Small update: we reached 10 mods released on ModHub, practically 1 mod per month, the goal we always aim to achieve.
But, yes, we want to get to 2 mods per month!!! We will accelerate the process until the end of the year. Our new goal is to get 2 mods per month from 2023.
Now, talking about the current status of the mods, we have the S-Series that should be sent this week to ModHub and the John Deere Air Seeder released probably later this week.
We're also going to be firm on finishing the John Deere 9R.
Pattison coming to the final stage as well and will be released along with the full options version of the 2150.
In addition, we will queue the 7R and DN345.
At the end of Pattison, tomorrow or later, we will accelerate the Lockwood modeling, which is already in the texture phase and the Challenger MT800... we will start a new project soon!!!