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Hey guys!

We want to know: Would you like to see more equipment for working with potatoes in Farm Sim?

The Lockwood brand came to us to bring their equipment to Farm Sim, but without the backing of our supporters we wouldn't be able to do this. 

Leave in the comments what you think about it.




This would be amazing and very well received.


Not a big potato guy but I am all for it if it makes it more enjoyable for other players. Also bringing another brand into the game is always a good thing!


Being from Idaho, it would be great to have some large American style potatoe equipment along with the tractor wheel setups to match.


Being from Illinois would love to have some potato equipment


I’m on board if you make that sweet tandom that it’s unloading into


Absolutely!!! Please do this.


Sorry I'm late with my reply. For me, the answer is an absolute YES if it is larger American equipment. I know I am not alone in the fact that I am deterred from potato farming due to all of the available equipment out there being European style machines meant for VERY small farms. Even the modding community has chosen not to even bother with brands such as Spudnik. It's confusing because this makes potato farming so time consuming and tedious that players such as myself who do not have time to play for hours on end are left just avoiding it altogether. Lockwood is cool, too, but Spudnik makes the largest equipment available and I have seen many players on the forums and in the community practically screaming for this brand. Giants would have made a killing if they at least made a DLC for that brand. So, yes, I would love to see potato equipment, as long as it is not skinny and not Grimme. LOL.