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Hey guys!!!

Today I come to show some of our techniques with the use of normal texture.

For those who don't know: Normal map or Normal mapping is a variant of the technique known as bump mapping. It is used to simulate the relief on a surface, calculating the angle of the shadows in a texture and, consequently, providing the impression of greater depth.

As you can see in the photos above, the 3D model is completely square, however, with the use of the normal map, it has a curved aspect. We use this technique in all of our projects and clearly you have a more realistic view of the 3D object.

We also use the normal map to make objects more detailed without being drawn in 3D. How to put it on the lines of the John Deere 1870 Air Hoe Drill. The tips are all square without a normal map and lose the screw detail (which, by the way, is something incredible lol):

Now with our normal map: Everything is smoother, it has a gain of brightness and of course, the textures gain more realistic contours, as you can see on the screws:

Of course, everything good has a cost: Time! Yes guys, it is for these and many other things that we take a lot longer to develop our 3D models.

Still on normal maps, few American modders use this in their projects, something that is already widespread in the European modder community.



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