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“What do you want?” I said irritably.

I am currently inside the office of our former leader, Dust, after she messaged me about an important matter she wants to discuss in private. Being the bundle of curiosity that I am, I acquiesced... against my better judgment.

“Oh my, right in the business, are we? Can't we have a little chat first? Talk about our hobbies, likes and dislikes, or who we have crushes on like normal teenage girls? I like to know more about Yuusha from the person herself,” she teased.

"You're not a teenager anymore though," I quipped.

"I'd like to think that I'm young at heart."

I stared at her, unamused.

"Fine be that way," she pouted. "I called you here because I want to congratulate you guys on your second-day performance. Only two more matches and you guys are qualified for the main event! Although I'm sure it won't be an issue if they have you with them."

"Thanks... I guess. But surely that's not the only reason you called me, right?"

She made a face as if I offended every single one of her ancestors. “What do you take me for? I truly wanted to congratulate you guys…” she withered a bit at my piercing gaze. “Alright, alright, geez, no need to be like that. Fine, I did call you for another reason happy now?”

I nodded at her to proceed

“The reason I requested to talk privately concerns matters of your previous guild.”

“The Paragons? What did they do now?” she got me curious.

“Oh, nothing bad, we just agreed for our guild to have a... relations officer to handle affairs of the alliance for better cooperation of all parties included.”

"And? What does that have to do with me?" I pressed on.

Although, I do have a concrete idea of what she wants from me now.

“I’m sure you already know what I am going to request from you,” she gave me a knowing smile before continuing. “I want you to be our representative for facilitating cooperation with the Paragons guild. You understand why right? There is no one better fit to be in that role other than their co-founder to build favorable relations with them.”

Makes sense, I can probably manage it easily as I know most of their core members and have a good relationship with their guild leader and vice leader. However, I do have one major problem with that, namely, the increase in social interactions.

"Seems like a hassle. I'll have to pass."

“Oh, it's not that hard, you just have to maintain contact and improve relations between both our guilds.”

Yeah, like I said, communicating sounds like a hassle.

"Not interested."

"I'll compensate with materials, sets, and guild resources. Name your price."

“Don’t need it.”

"Oh my, oh my, how affluent. I guess I'll just have to compensate with... other methods?" she stared at me suggestively.

I don't like the sound of that, I have to take initiative if I were to win against her.

"Whatever it is, I won't be bribed that easily," I declared firmly.

"Really now? How about… something like this?" she said while handing me a photo.

She gave me a picture of some kind. In this photo, there's a cute little girl resembling Liz with sparkling eyes and a radiant smile that could light up the darkest room. She's riding a charming, pastel-colored bike, which seems to be just the right size for her. The bike has a small, white basket in the front, adorned with a bunch of colorful wildflowers that she must have picked up on her journey.

She's wearing a polka-dotted dress and her tiny hands are firmly gripping the handlebars, showing her determination. The sun is shining brightly, casting a warm, golden glow on her, making her look even more joyful. I trembled at the sight, a picture of pure, innocent happiness at the tip of my finger... HOW INSANELY CUTE!!!

It was then and there that I decided I must have this treasure at all costs, even if I had to trade a limb or two.

I froze, she probably saw the unfiltered interest evident on my face. This is bad, this early in our negotiation and I'm already in the backfoot.

"What makes you think I would want something like this?" I tried to play it cool and uninterested.

"Come on no need for that. Tell you what, if you accept this offer now, I will keep this meeting a secret. Nobody in the world would know about this transaction, not even Liz herself. I’ll also add in a complimentary portrait of her celebrating her 15th birthday," she made a hard bargain, giving me a wink in the process.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I got completely outplayed. To be fair, the playground was lopsided to begin with. In hindsight, I never stood a chance once she showed her trump card. Although this would probably be the happiest loss I have ever been in. I say that as I stare at the masterpiece of art in my hands... totally worth it!

The photo disappeared as I placed it in my inventory. It costs a bit to convert a picture into a tangible CoA portrait but it is well worth it in some cases. These are mainly traded by collectors, used as a decoration for guild halls or rooms of guild representatives, or in my case, a treasure to be cherished and looked at every day.

I’m currently on my way to the meeting place hosted by the Paragon guild. It will be held inside a well-known restaurant in the level 80 city of Aurora Vale on Channel 17 of our NA server. Aurora Vale is one of the most popular cities in the game due to its majestic view. It is a sprawling metropolis nestled between towering mountain ranges and lush forests, its skyline dominated by majestic spires and intricate bridges that span across crystal-clear rivers. The city is renowned for its enchanting blend of ancient magic and cutting-edge technology. Good thing I was just barely able to enter the city due to me having already finished the quest to enter it. Although I think Dust has already considered my current level before proposing me to be the representative of our guild. She might be annoying and a bit manipulative sometimes, but behind all those negative traits is a thoughtful and mindful ally.

I arrived at the restaurant and it was as luxurious as I remembered it three years ago. The exterior facade of the restaurant is an architectural marvel, exuding sophistication and elegance. The entrance to the restaurant is grand, with wide double doors made of rich, dark wood or polished metal, possibly embellished with intricate carvings or decorative patterns guarded by what appears to be a Paragon guild member. Above the entrance, a sophisticated sign displays the restaurant's name in stylish, illuminated lettering that reads ‘The Noble Feast’. A restaurant for Nobles indeed, not that there are any nowadays in the real world. It costs a whole lot of in-game currency to even dine for a single meal here. Not worth it considering you won’t get full anyway even if you eat a whole buffet. The taste is heavenly though so I cannot complain that much.

I tried to enter but the player guarding the entrance barred me from doing so.

“Stop newbie! The place is reserved by the Paragons guild today, the upper officers are having a meeting, and no one can enter unless invited. Just switch channels and find one that is not yet reserved if you want to try the menu here,” he stated disapprovingly.

“I see…”

Talk about well-off. Reserving the whole venue for the day costs a lot of in-game currency… not that they lack any considering the status of their guild.

Well, I guess I tried. I could just tell Dust that I was not let in due to my level. They probably won’t believe that I am a representative of our guild anyway.

“Now get lost, don’t loiter in the entrance or-,” The guard was interrupted by a newcomer.

“What seems to be the problem here?” came an authoritative voice.

I turned to the suspect… or suspects. A red-haired girl that I knew quite well, along with a familiar face. If my memory serves me right, she is the protégé of Celeste.

“Oh! Miss Ariadne and Miss Lucy!” he instantly straightened his posture, appearing as the epitome of professionalism.

“I was just dissuading the newbie here from entering the meeting place.”

Ariadne glanced at me for a short while before staring at him like he had grown another head.

“Are you stupid?! How can you not see that she is an officer of the ‘Concord of Heroes’ guild? The guild that I specifically said was part of the invited guest!” she exclaimed.

What are you doing Ariadne?! Now I won’t have any valid reason to skip this meeting!

“S-sorry Miss Ariadne, I- I just, t-they said to me that we would only be letting branch and allied guilds in,” the guard stuttered.

“Concord of Heroes is an allied guild!” she exclaimed.

Ariadne heavily sighed. “I’m surrounded by idiots…” she murmured in a barely audible voice that I was sure the guard heard.

“Come now, give the guy some slack. They are a newly allied guild of ours after all so it's not a surprise he doesn’t know yet,” the other familiar face attempted to de-escalate the situation.

Ariadne for her part looked at me apologetically.

“Sorry about this Novo.”

“I don’t really mind.”

“That is good to know,” she smiled in relief.

As if remembering something, she introduced me, or should I say reintroduced me to her friend. “This is Lucy, a high-ranking officer of our guild and also my partner for the U20 tournament,”

“Hi! Hi! Nice to meet cha!” she greeted me cheerfully, hoping for a good first impression even though we already met before.

“Likewise,” I nodded politely.

“Let us go, all of the guests are already inside, it would be bad manners to keep them waiting any longer.”

At Ariadne’s prompt, we both entered the venue alongside her.

Well, so much for not attending the meeting.

Upon entering, I was greeted by a luxurious venue. I would readily believe that it was really themed for nobles because of how luxurious it looked. The place was half empty, with only a couple of players inside amounting to less than twenty.

“Still, I was not expecting you to be their representative,” Ariadne voiced with a hint of surprise.

I could say that I was just left without a choice because of a deal I made, but she didn’t need to know that.

“Same, I didn’t think you were the one managing this meeting,” I redirected the question.

“I know right?” Lucy butted in. “I kept telling her to just let one of our officers handle this but she insisted that she was the one who should manage it. It seems she likes you guys a lot for her to put this much effort into introducing our new allied guild,” she smiled teasingly.

“T-That’s not it at all. I just deemed that it was my responsibility to introduce this alliance to the other guilds. It was both my and Celeste’s idea to begin with so I have to carry it through.”

“I see, that's an admirable mindset to have.”

She stared at me for a second before turning away abashed.

“It’s not like I’m doing it for your approval. Hmph!”

I smiled wanly at the nostalgia. Her attitude when praised remains the same after all these years.

Lucy stared at both of us curiously before murmuring something I didn’t quite catch.

“Ariadne, Lucy, you guys finally arrived,” a lanky man in a knight set greeted them both with a nod.

He glanced at me before focusing his attention back on Ariadne.

I also remember this guy. He was still a newbie back then when we first founded the guild. Glad to see he is still with the Paragons after all these years and he seems very reliable now, a far cry from what I remembered him to be.

Ariadne gave him an acknowledging nod. “Ezequiel, tell everyone we are starting now.”

“Understood,” he went back to the bulk of the players, prompting them to take their seats as the meeting was about to start.

“Novo, please sit anywhere you like, I’ll call you later when I introduce your guild.”

Wait what?! Are we doing a show and tell now? I’m not as good as you at public speaking, you know!

She left me before I said my piece, Lucy followed after her but not before giving me a see you later gesture. Having no choice, I sat at the farthest corner of the huge room, a bit away from the bulk of the crowd.

After a couple of pleasantries received from the other guests later, Ariadne officially started the meeting.

“First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone present for attending this meeting. Let me get straight to the point by introducing a new comrade of ours, the guild Concord of Heroes’. Please welcome their representative with open arms as I am sure that they would prove to be an invaluable ally in the future.”

She looked in my way and signaled me to come forward. I made my peace and accepted my fate.

As I stood at the center of the room I garnered the curious stares of everyone present. This is bad, my stage fright is acting up again and I can’t think straight.

Judging by the way things are going, it seems that I have to say some profound and inspirational words or something. Come on Kat! Think of something witty, or better yet, an icebreaker. First impressions are important!

My mind blanked.

“Nice to meet you...” was all that I could say.

What am I an elementary student introducing herself to the class for the first time?!

Complete silence, as if they were expecting me to say more, but sadly I didn’t. Well, this is awkward. Please just end me now.

“Ahem… so uhm. Any questions?” Ariadne thankfully came to my rescue.

A couple of seconds later, a man who looks to be in his teens wearing a flashy rogue set, clearly hand crafted, aired his thoughts.

“Miss Ariadne, I do have a concern.”

Ariadne nodded at him to continue.

“It seems to me that their guild is looking down on us. They sent a newbie like her to be their representative. They do not seem to take this alliance seriously.”

All it takes is one person to voice out their apprehension for the dam to break. Others instantly found the courage to complain about something that they perceived to be unfair after someone had already led the charge.

“Also, would they have anything they can add to the alliance? I haven’t even heard of their guild until today. Aren’t they relatively weak compared to those present here considering that they do not even have the proper resources to send a max-leveled member of their guild?” another player in a mage set questioned.

Fair point, ours is not that popular, but I do know for sure that we do not lack strength in our members, especially with that accursed fox supporting us from the sidelines.

“Yes, they look kind of weak.”

“They can’t even send a proper representative for this, how insolent.”

“Did they bribe the higher-ups of the guild or something?”

Murmurs filled the room ranging from mockery to apprehension. It is human nature after all to doubt, especially for our guild who came out of nowhere and made an alliance to one of the strongest guilds in CoA out of the blue.

“Are you guys done?” came a chilling voice from Ariadne.

Is it just me, or does the room seem a few degrees colder?

“Let me ask you all a question of my own, have any of you weaklings even passed the first day of the qualifiers?”

Complete silence. I mean I would be completely quiet too if I were in their shoes. Ariadne’s is emitting a terrifying aura right now!

“Of course not. None of your representatives for the tournament even got through the first day. Let me tell you then, that their guild produced a team that has already passed the second day of the qualifiers.”

The murmurs came back, this time full of shock and disbelief.

“And the one you’re calling a newbie right now is a member of the team that got through, and I expect them to qualify in the main tournament.”

All of the disparaging looks I got earlier were replaced with awe and envy. Most CoA players at their very core still respect an individual’s skill and strength. Knowing that we have the proper capacity to back up the alliance completely silenced all of their complaints.

“If you guys could not see the potential of allying ourselves with them, then you don’t need those eyes as they are just for decoration. If you guys would allow me, I will personally pluck them out for you,” she gave a frightening smile as she made a blatant threat.

I shivered at this tyrant's actions. This clearly is an abuse of power! Reminder to future Kat: never get on her bad side… ever.

“Do your own research for once and not just spout whatever nonsense you deem true without any proof. Any other question that is not aggravatingly stupid for once?”

No one uttered a single word.

“Good, now that is done, Ezequiel, please continue with the reports,” she proceeded as if nothing worthwhile happened just a while ago.

The meeting went on for a while with some of the officers discussing topics concerning the whole alliance including where the farming spots were assigned to each guild to avoid vying for each other’s grinding spot and other coordinative stuff. Honestly, Ariadne could just message it all to me, but I guess that these meetings are necessary to promote a sense of unity for the entire alliance.

After the meeting, Ariadne and Lucy invited me to the feast, which I politely declined due to… various reasons, but mainly because I had just run out of social energy. I logged out after that to recharge while pondering if the deal I made with Dust was well worth it after all.



Are those guild representatives just new players who have never played a game in their lives or something.....