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After my conversation with Aria, I made my way back to where my team was gathered. The weight of our discussion lingered in the air, and the echoes of my vow reverberated in my mind as I walked towards our room.


It seems I'll need to exert extra effort after pledging to Aria that I won't be defeated. Well, it's easier said than done since I’m facing a true monster in our next match. It is a good thing we have time to prepare since it’s already lunch break, and according to the schedule, the continuation of the lower bracket elimination matches will continue right after.


I’m sure Aria’s team won’t lose to their opponent since the only formidable opponent I believe capable of besting them is someone as exceptional as Lua. But let's hope I'm not tempting fate by thinking so, as I would not know how to feel if they ended up getting eliminated. Emotions run high, especially in elimination matches, so it is indeed possible that the weaker team wins, as many historical upsets in eSports generally come from lower-bracket elimination matches.


Arriving at the door to my team’s private room, I knocked twice to be polite, then opened the door. Inside, I was met by Liz, solitary in the room, in the absence of the rest of the other two members of our team.


"Kat? Where have you been? I started to get concerned because you were gone for so long. And you left your phone behind, so I couldn't reach you," she expressed with worry in her tone.


Oops, I did leave my handbag here with my phone inside, so I was just getting it. That’s why I came back. Was she perhaps waiting for me? My time with Aria took a lot longer than expected, and I didn’t tell her where I was, so it’s mostly my fault. 


“…Sorry, I got sidetracked,” I apologized.


She gazed at me momentarily, seemingly verifying the veracity of my statements.


"You consoled the Paragons after their loss, didn't you?" she inquired.


"You knew?"


“Of course, it’s obvious you were worried about them, and with you leaving abruptly earlier, it’s pretty clear where you were going,” she said with a knowing smile.


“I see…”


It’s not a surprise she can easily tell; she is quite perceptive after all, even if she acts otherwise.


"Regardless, where are the others? Have they gone out for a meal?" I queried.


"Well, Ren mentioned he planned to have lunch with his family, and as for Chu... he didn't specify where he would go. He has likely gone out to eat alone," she explained.


No, he is probably needed by the Edge Ville since their Edgelord has been missing in action for too long.


“So, where do you want to eat? At the same place yesterday?” Liz continued.


I shrugged. “Anywhere is fine.”


I’m not really picky about food, so I really mean it when I say that anywhere is fine.


"Let's head to a Japanese restaurant then. I have a sudden craving for sushi. Oh, but first, let's meet up with Rana. She mentioned she'd like to join us for the meal," she suggested.


I nodded in agreement as I gathered my belongings, ready to depart with Liz.


As Liz and I head out to exit the stadium, the lingering energy of the crowd follows us like a gentle breeze, carrying whispers and glances that dance around us as we head toward the exit. Some spectators who notice our presence exchange hushed words and curious looks, their intrigue palpable in the air. Their whispers made me uncomfortable since I don’t really like being the center of attention, but I had already prepared for it somewhat since this is what I signed up for when I accepted Liz’s offer from back then.


“Aren’t they the team who beat the round table?”


“Whoa, they’re both as gorgeous as their in-game avatars.”


“I became a fan when I saw how good they are!”


“I know, right? My friend was so confident they would lose, but the look on his face when he realized he lost all his betting money from the upset was priceless!”


“As a support player myself, I like to see someone turn the tides with good spellcasting. I’ll definitely be watching her more!”


Even though I typically shy away from recognition, I must admit that receiving praise feels gratifying. I feel a sense of pride and camaraderie walking alongside Liz as we navigate through the crowd. The whispers of some of the eventgoers create a backdrop of admiration and speculation, adding a layer of excitement to our departure from the stadium.


Their reactions vary, ranging from hushed admiration to animated conversations, with their murmurs expressing a blend of acknowledgment and curiosity. Amidst their discussions, I catch snippets of their remarks, feeling a blend of modesty and appreciation for the impact we appear to have on those around us. The thought of someone approaching for an autograph doesn't seem far-fetched—or am I letting my imagination run too wild?


“Miss Novo~ can I get an autograph?” a familiar voice called from my blind spot.


Wait?! Are you serious? Is this for real? I’m not prepared for this! I didn’t even bring my pen with me! Should I just reject it? I haven’t even done something remotely close to something like giving autographs before!


As I turned around to locate the source of the voice, a wave of disappointment washed over me, clouding my senses and dimming the light of anticipation that had flickered within me. Seeing who the culprit was, my disappointment became immeasurable, and my day was instantly ruined.


“Oh, Rana! How long have you been there?!” Liz asked her cousin.


“Not long. I just went here after I received your DM.” She turned to look at me. “Oh~ and about the authogra-.”


“No,” I instantly denied.


She will probably just sell it to someone and claim it as Yuusha’s autograph or something. I don’t want to be an accessory to the crime of scamming any unsuspecting gullible victims.


As Dust, Liz, and I exit the stadium, the energy of the crowd gradually fades into the background as we make our way to the bustling shopping district near the venue. The vibrant atmosphere of the district is a stark contrast to the intensity of the stadium, with colorful storefronts and lively chatter filling the air.


Amidst the array of shops and eateries, a Japanese restaurant catches our eye; its traditional facade and inviting ambiance draw us in. At Liz’s insistence, we unanimously agreed to dine there, as I am somewhat intrigued by the prospect of savoring authentic Japanese cuisine in the heart of the city.


As we step inside the restaurant, the air is filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled meats, savory broths, and aromatic spices. The interior is adorned with elegant decor, from paper lanterns casting a soft glow to wooden furnishings that exude a sense of warmth and authenticity.

 However, just as we were about to find a seat to settle in, an unexpected call caught our attention


“Liz! Over here!” a cheerful voice exclaimed.


Looking at the source, Hana, the epitome of a happy-go-lucky spirit, sat at a secluded table in the Japanese restaurant as she waved at us animatedly. Her bright eyes sparkled with mischief and mirth, reflecting a zest for life and an irrepressible sense of positivity that was impossible to resist.


Dressed in their e-sports-themed shirt with patterns that mirrored her cheerful personality, Hana exuded an aura of warmth and friendliness that drew people to her like moths to a flame, similar to Liz. No wonder they got along so well.


As I wondered why Hana was seated at the far end of the restaurant, as she didn’t seem like the type to shy away from others, I noticed another individual accompanying her. Situated next to Hana was an enigmatic woman whose aura of mystery piqued my interest. She sported a face mask and a casual, boyish hat that effectively concealed her features.


"Hana! I can't believe it's you!" Liz exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and affection.


"Me either! Come join us here! Let's dine together! We were just about to place our orders!" Hana welcomed warmly.


Hey, you guys! You two are disturbing the other patrons. Please talk a little more subdued.


As I thought that, Liz finally neared Hana’s table to continue their conversation. Meanwhile, Dust and I exchanged a knowing look and then followed suit. We are both used to her antics, after all.


"Is it alright with your companion? We wouldn't want to intrude on your time together," Liz inquired as she got near a suitable distance for a conversation.


"It's perfectly fine! And just so you know, she's not a friend of mine," Hana replied, casting a playful glance at Liz that hinted at a forthcoming revelation of a closely held secret.


"She’s my sister!" she whispered conspiratorially, adding a gesture of cupping her hand over her mouth… which did nothing to hide her bubbly voice.


Liz gasped at the revelation and then gazed at Hana’s sister in amazement. “Really?! I thought you and your team were busy practicing for the AC.”


Hana’s sister glanced at Liz for a moment before responding, “…I took some time off.”


“Oh~ what an honor to be able to see the famous Murasame in person!” Dust greeted, wherein Aoi just nodded back. She seems to be as curt as the rumors say she is.


I also simply nodded as a gesture to the pair. It also got me thinking: Was the sudden shift in Hana's team strategies influenced by her? Most likely, but I can’t say for sure.


After the quick greetings, we changed seating, which accommodated all five of us as a friendly waitstaff guided us and then gave us the menu. Looking at it, each dish tempts me with its promise of culinary delights. The staff also guided us through the selection, offering recommendations and insights into the flavors and ingredients that define Japanese cuisine, wherein Hana recommends some to Liz. As we waited for our orders to arrive, Dust suddenly posed a question.


“It seems that the rotations and strategies of team Sakura e-sports suddenly shifted. Did you guys have a new coach, perhaps?” she said probingly.


So, she also suspects a coaching change from their team.


"Absolutely! It's all thanks to my sister!" Hana proudly declared.


"Well~ that explains it! But, having a pro coach for guidance, isn't that somewhat unfair, do you reckon?" Dust inquired.


Hana, caught off guard by the question, paused to consider her response.


"I don't see any issue with it; after all, it's not violating any rules," Aoi, who was silent up till now, interjected.


“While it may not be explicitly prohibited, it could be deemed unethical,” Dust rebuked.


“…Perhaps,” Aoi curtly replied.


The sudden change in tension surprised Liz and Hana. I understand Dust's perspective, considering they could potentially be our opponents; hence, she might have reservations about one of the strongest players coaching the opposing team. Dust is supporting our team, after all, so it's natural for her to view the situation as unfair.


Before the situation escalated, I interjected. "I believe it's acceptable. As long as it doesn’t undermine the dignity of other players or blatantly violate the rules, then it's fair game," I said, easing the tension.


All eyes at the table turned towards me, registering varying degrees of surprise, particularly from Hana and Aoi, as it might have been the first time they heard me speak this much and also took their side of the argument.


"Well~ you do make a valid point. You and Miss Aoi do share some similarities in your thought processes, but I suppose that mindset is necessary to reach the top," Dust commented with a teasing wink, eliciting a mild sense of irritation from me for suggesting things.


Though I’m sure the others would only think that she is referring to Hana’s sister, so I guess I shouldn’t be too mad about it.


Right on cue, the appetizers arrived, diverting our attention from the discussion for the time being. And the conversation shifted to milder topics, mostly about the previous match and how dominating Lua is.


Unexpectedly, Aoi suddenly posed a question directed at me. “…Do you think your team has a chance against her?” she queried, which seemed uncharacteristic of her.


But why ask me? Aren’t you supposed to ask our captain here? Still, I don’t want to divulge too much since they are our potential opponents, after all.


“Who knows, but I do want to try something out,” I said vaguely.


Aoi confirmed my statement with her scrutinizing gaze, searching for any hints, but I maintained my stoic poker face. You can never be too careful with individuals skilled in analyzing body language, after all.


As the waitstaff came to serve the meal, Aoi finally took off her face mask in preparation to eat. Her unveiling exposed an otherworldly beauty, with features that were exquisitely delicate and refined, akin to a masterpiece. Her porcelain skin emitted a radiant glow, emphasizing her luminous complexion. Defined by high cheekbones that added a sculpted elegance to her face, they complemented the graceful contour of her jawline and the subtle curve of her neck. Personally, I found her appearance to rival, or even surpass, that of her in-game avatar.


We all focused on the meal as it arrived one by one. A symphony of colors and textures unfolded before us, each dish a work of art that delights the senses. From sushi and sashimi to steaming bowls of ramen and crispy tempura, we indulged in a feast of flavors that transported us to the heart of Japan.


The conversation at the table centered around Hana and Liz, with Dust contributing sporadically, while Aoi and I primarily responded to inquiries. Following the meal, the four of us opted to return to the venue together, with Aoi once again concealing her face.


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