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"We are now back, folks! With the match you’ve all been waiting for, Team Paragons vs. Unfiltered!” the main panelist hyped.


I looked up from my phone just as I heard Raze announce the nearing start of the match after a series of advertisements and commercials from the sponsors. It seemed like the participants were finally finished with their preparations.


Kat! Kat! It’s starting!” Liz, who was sitting right next to me, spoke excitedly.


“I have eyes, you know…” I replied, unamused.


Liz and I currently occupy the couch in the elegant room designated for participants to watch the match on the sizable screen. Despite the walls being designed to dampen the sound, the lively energy of the crowd permeates the room, which makes watching the match more enticing.


“We have the match between two crowd favorites! It is a match between two strong teams who are ranked one and two, respectively, based on your votes! They are Team Paragons and Team Variables!" the panelist exclaimed.


“What are your predictions for the match, Mr. Bogdan?” the lead panelist queried.


“Hmm… it’s quite challenging to predict the outcome. However, I think team Paragon will most likely show a dominating performance in this match,” Vlad stated with confidence.


 I doubt that it would be that easy for Aria’s team. From what I can see, Vlad appears to have a deep respect for the former Paragons, potentially leading to a biased opinion. He seems to overlook the extensive measures that Team Variables is taking to conceal Lua's strengths and vulnerabilities. It is like they are banking their all for her to carry them, which is an incredibly bizarre notion since two members of team Variables are nationally accomplished in their respective martial arts. That just shows how confident they are in Lua’s skills.


“I agree with you, Mr. Bogdan. But let us also see if our statistics and analysis also agree with us!”


Following the panelists' remarks, the screen displayed a graph presenting an array of statistics, culminating in the match probability win rates for both teams. Team Paragons holds a 71.6%-win probability, whereas Team Unfiltered lags behind at 28.4%. While these statistics suggest a one-sided match, uncertainties remain as numerous variables can impact the outcome, especially since they failed to account for one factor: Team Variable always plays without their ace.


"It appears that the statistics strongly favor Team Paragons! Remember, viewers. These findings are a combination of advanced AI data and audience votes, so treat them with caution!" the lead panelist emphasized.


"I concur, Raze. These statistics reflect probabilities based on the qualifiers and not definitive outcomes!" the co-panelist added, eliciting resounding applause from the crowd.


“Wow! Looks like Ria and her teammates got this match in the bag!” Liz cheered happily.


“We can’t be too sure. The bias is evident as Lua did not even partake in any of their qualifying matches, rendering these statistics entirely unreliable,” I cautioned, tempering her excitement.


“W-what?! Is Ria’s team is in trouble?” Liz expressed her concern.




I remained silent as I really didn’t have the slightest clue about the match's outcome.


“Now, folks, it seems that the participants are ready. Let us head onto the casters for the match commentary!”





Blitz’s PoV


We arrived via teleportation in the forgotten city ruin stage. It gave the ambiance of something ravaged by time and shrouded in an eerie silence. Crumbled walls, once a testament to a grander structure, reach for the sky like skeletal fingers. Vines snake through the cracks, reclaiming the edifice for nature. It seems like we didn't get a new map. That's fine with me since I'm used to this type of map.


"Do we stick to our usual rotation?" Aria asked Seer loud enough for the whole team to hear.


"...Let's stick to our standard formation for safety. I anticipate they won't deviate much in their rotation, given their team composition isn't tailored for strategic engagements, as they excel individually but lack teamwork cohesion," Seer responded.


"Got it. Everyone, be careful!"


Our captain's encouragement spurred us to move towards our designated orb capture points as we each headed for our targets.


Along the way, I paced myself as I made my way to the target, preserving my stamina for the impending battle. I took advantage of the remaining minutes before the orb became capturable. As I strolled along the city ruins, a sense of quiet contemplation enveloped me.


Sunlight filtered through the cracks and crevices, casting soft rays of light that danced upon the weathered cobblestones. Echoes of the past whispered through the ancient city alleyways as I walked casually, and I couldn’t help but think that I might be taking this match too lightly. Well, it beats overthinking things, or I won’t be able to play properly, as my mentor instructed me. Enjoying the moment has always been his motto, and I intend to do just that in the upcoming battle.


Reaching the bottom orb, my opponent, a beautiful girl with white hair wearing a martial arts set, greeted me as soon as it became accessible for capture.


“I heard you're the strongest 1v1 player in our generation. Is that true?” the girl facing me inquired, her excitement palpable in her voice.


“As much as I'd like to agree, I'd be lying if I said yes. I’m pretty sure Aria recently surpassed all thanks to her motivation to improve,” I remarked in a friendly tone akin to conversing with a friend.


Well, it wasn’t that hard to talk to her casually as I perceived a kindred spirit in her. It seems we are both alike.


“Oh! Is that so? I'd really like to fight her after this~,” she said in a melodic voice.


"Sorry, that's not happening as long as I'm here," I rebuked.


My response caused her to finally open her closed eyes. I reflexively gazed into a pair of strikingly beautiful green eyes, each one a mesmerizing oasis of color and depth. The irises shimmer with hues of emerald and jade, like lush verdant forests captured within a gaze.


Her eyes possess an alluring sparkle reminiscent of sunlight filtering through a canopy of leaves, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow. Hidden deep within those two beautiful orbs, a glint of determination shone—a familiar spark that I recognized all too well. Like my mentor Zetta and me… she can enter the flow state at will.


"You have no choice in the matter," she replied with impunity.




Seer's PoV


Upon reaching my destination in the desolate heart of this city ruin, a lone orb—the capture orb — pulsates with an otherworldly luminescence at its center without anyone in sight.


A sense of foreboding crept over me as I surveyed the empty surroundings. Why is none here?


With a growing sense of unease, I immediately inquired in the team chat.


"Everyone! What's your status!"


"Can't talk! I'm fighting their ace! Girl is strong, so I'll have to focus!" replied Blitz in the team chat.


"I'm also unable to converse! We're under an ambush. There are three here!" Aria replied hurriedly.


What? Why are there three in the middle orb? Could it be... This is troublesome.


"Hold on and prioritize survival for the moment; I'll come to support the middle orb!"


I was taken aback by their decision to dispatch three players to a single location. Typically, they distribute their team members to cover all three orbs, especially considering Lua's inactivity in the qualifiers. This turn of events caught me completely off guard. Could they be strategizing to eliminate Aria first, their most potent adversary and also our strongest player?


I hope I can reach them in time to provide support.





Ariadne PoV


I surveyed the battlefield, realizing the challenging situation we were currently facing with their three-man ambush.


To compound matters, two of their team members were targeting Lucy, intent on swiftly eliminating her, while another engaged me to buy time. It was a lapse in judgment on my part—I had become overly aggressive in fighting against Fortissimo, who then appeared to be alone to finish the battle as soon as possible. This decision led me to leave Lucy by herself, vulnerable and without protection.


HaeYun and Gil capitalized on this misplay by launching an ambush from the concealment of one of the ruined walls of the ancient city. When I realized what they were planning, it was already too late. I was far separated from Lucy to protect her.


This is a critical situation; I must defeat at least one of them before my haste buff expires, or we'll be in a dire predicament.


I observed Lucy, who was clearly struggling to stay afloat. Despite her efforts to endure, she made a clever move by casting haste on herself, albeit at the cost of sustaining damage. The haste buff remained her lifeline against her two adversaries. Unlike me, she lacks finesse in evasion, casting doubt on her ability to sustain herself for long.


As if to confirm my concerns, HaeYun, a martial artist adept at Tae Kwando, landed a kick to her side, dealing a significant amount of damage.



HP: 62%


This is bad. Lucy also can't use her jiu-jitsu, which is her greatest strength against attackers since they have figured out her weakness. In a two-against-one, it doesn't matter if she locks down her opponent since the other one will kill her instead.


The only silver lining in this situation is that they are not optimized for a three-man team since all of them are strong individually. Therefore, they don't have proper support or team synergy. This is also the reason why Seer never thought that they would make this kind of move. We've been had.



Given the urgency of our plight, waiting for Seer to arrive is not feasible. I must swiftly overpower my current adversary before Lucy succumbs to hers, as I cannot withstand a three-on-one assault.


Instinctively, I dodged the strike from the rod-like weapon, stepping back to create distance. The attack refocused my attention on my opponent.


"Your opponent is me, Ms. 1v1 Champion," my opponent declared in a light-hearted manner.


Focus, Aria! I must concentrate on my current adversary and avoid distractions. Apologies, Lucy, but I'll come to your aid once I finish this fight.


I carefully assessed the individual standing before me. Fortissimo, reputed as an escrima champion from the Philippines, wielded crackling escrima sticks infused with energy. He appeared to be unleashing his full power right from the outset, enhancing his attack potency with fiery enhancements enveloping his weapon with the use of his weapon skill. A sense of respect stirred within me—he presented a formidable challenge. In our brief interaction thus far, his movements exuded precision and discipline.


Despite his skills, Fortissimo is at a disadvantage since I am currently under the effects of the haste buff.


I launched my attack, initiating our intense duel. I moved aggressively towards him, aiming to swiftly conclude the battle.


As I closed in on his striking range, Fortissimo unleashed a rapid succession of strikes with his escrima sticks, creating a whirlwind of movement. However, with a swift motion of my wrist, my daggers transformed into a shimmering buckler, effectively deflecting each blow with a resonant clang.


We engaged in a dynamic exchange of strikes, creating a lethal dance of attacks, blocks, and evasions. Each time he thrust forward, my weapons seamlessly shifted from katana to axe, staff to twin sai, maintaining his disorientation and inflicting damage whenever possible. With each encounter, frustration brewed in his eyes as I won every exchange with the help of my speed-increasing buff.



HP: 44%


He fought valiantly, his skills undeniable. However, my true edge resided in the unpredictability of my weaponry. Swiftly, I transformed my weapon into a wickedly curved khopesh. He took a daring gamble with a desperate slide, narrowly evading the weapon as it swished overhead.


Capitalizing on his movement, I shifted the khopesh into a massive spiked shield with my weapon skill. His retaliatory strike collided with the shield, creating a reverberation throughout the battlefield.

Leveraging my enhanced speed from the haste buff, I promptly exploited his recoil as my weapon seamlessly reverted to my reliable daggers. I swiftly aimed for his head, delivering twin critical strikes as the blade's point pierced through his unguarded head.




HP: 0%


“It seems I was not a match for you…” he muttered with a sense of awe directed at me as he disappeared into blue motes of light.


He proved to be a formidable opponent. It would have been a lengthier battle without the haste buff. However, it appears my speed was not sufficient, as a red notification caught my attention at the periphery of my vision. I shifted my gaze to the battlefield, confirming that Lucy had indeed succumbed to her two opponents.



HP: 0%


Shit! I didn't make it in time.


Following Lucy's defeat, their captain, Gil, assumed an offensive stance and directed his gaze towards me. Despite a hint of surprise at my swift victory over their comrade, he managed to calm himself instantly.


"I didn't anticipate your team deploying three players against us. Using such underhanded ambush tactics was unexpected," I stated in a provoking manner.


He smiled knowingly. "There are no rules in a battle. Also, it's funny you say that because aren't you also using an ‘underhanded' tactic by chatting me up and buying time for your backup to arrive?"


Tsk! So, he knew my intentions right from the start? As expected of a strategist capable of outplaying Seer.


"Let's go, Haeun. Let's not let Antonio's sacrifice be in vain. We must conclude this before her ally intervenes," Gil commanded.


"Y-yes!" the girl responded earnestly.


HaeYun was the first one to attack. She thrust herself forward with a spinning kick aimed at my chest. But with a flick of my wrist, my weapon shimmered, then was replaced by a large shield with a malevolent glint—the kick connected with a resounding clang, sending a shockwave through my body.


Her attacks are heavy!


Gil, ever the opportunist, capitalized on the momentary opening. He lunged; his longsword aimed for my exposed flank. Just before the blade connected, I channeled my weapon skill again, the shield dissolving a jagged dagger. The longsword became entangled by the edges of my weapon. Its momentum halted my parry.


HaeYun, seizing the chance, unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches. Her strikes were lightning-fast and precise, each one carrying the weight of a focused mind and honed body. But for every blow aimed at my unguarded body parts, a new weapon materialized to meet it – a glowing gauntlet to deflect a roundhouse kick with my bare arms, a shimmering greave to block a shin strike while dodging an opportune slash coming from Gil.


The three of us danced across the arena, a chaotic ballet of steel and spinning limbs. HaeYun's frustration was palpable, her movements growing more frantic with each thwarted attack. While Gil, ever stoic, remained calm, searching for an opening in my ever-shifting defenses.


It seems I’m doing better than I thought I’d fare against these two. It helps that they are a bit cautious since they might hinder each other if they move recklessly. Therefore, Gil cannot attack me as aggressively as HaeYun does with the fear of friendly fire.


With an unexpected twist, the tide of the battle began to turn when a sudden notification popped up. I usually don’t pay much attention to it and only give it a momentary glance when in a battle, as I did with Lucy’s death notification, but the message was too shocking to ignore.


Teammate (Blitz) has been defeated.


“What!” I instinctively muttered.


Sensing my distracted mind, HaeYun took advantage of my exposed vulnerability with a cunning maneuver. With a feigned kick, she drew my attention to her lower body. But the real attack came from above, a spinning backkick aimed at my head. The attack was complimented by Gil's follow-up slash aimed at my torso, which I instinctively prioritized dodging. It was too late when I realized it was just Gil's distraction. The real threat was coming from HaeYun’s attack.


"Soaring Dragon!" HaeYun shouted at the top of her voice, intending to exert all her energy in the attack.


Is she going to use her weapon skill?! Oh no! I cannot dodge it!


With a desperate struggle, I morphed my weapon into a shield, and as soon as her greaves flashed bright yellow. She let out her spinning kick. The attack connected with a bone-jarring thud against my shield.




The force of her attack sent me staggering back. My vision swam for a moment, and my HP diminished with the heavy, full-force spinning kick, which was complimented by her metal greave's weapon skill.




HP: 67%


What! That much damage, even with a block? I would've died right then and there if that weapon skill attack landed on my head! The weapon skill attack also carries a one-second stun debuff, making my situation more dire.


Taking advantage of my momentary stunned state after the blow, HaeYun aimed to conclude the battle as she charged towards me.

Just when it appeared that all hope was lost, a cannon blast impacted the girl, propelling her away and thwarting her assault on me.




HP: 34%


Hope surged within me as I instantly recognized the source of that attack. It was a well-executed snipe from a distance, even though it didn't result in a critical hit, likely due to Seer's limited time to aim the cannon accurately in the heat of the moment. As a result, HaeYun was left with only a sliver of HP remaining.


Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly intervened by delivering a kick to Gil, who was preparing for a follow-up attack, creating space between us. I then transformed my weapon into a bow and, with precision, targeted HaeYun, striking her in the head while she was still recovering from the impact of the cannonball.




HP: 0%


“S-sorry, Sir Gilligan, I'll leave the match to you and Ms. Lua,” she managed to say before vanishing into blue motes of light as a result of her death.


"You! How did you manage to arrive here so swiftly?" Gil exclaimed in astonishment as he acknowledged Seer’s presence.


I shared his surprise, as I had not anticipated Seer's early arrival.


A second later, the realization sank in as Gil’s expression changed.


“Don't tell me you didn't take the orb?!" he exclaimed.


I glanced at Seer, seeking confirmation.


"…That’s right," Seer said with a victorious grin.


While I appreciate his quick thinking, I also have reservations about his actions. It was a risky gamble, but the outcome proved favorable, so I can't criticize too harshly. Initially, leaving the top orb without taking it seemed a stupid thing to do, yet Seer seems to have assessed the situation thoroughly before swiftly choosing to prioritize our safety over securing the orb.


If Seer had been even a second late, I might have faced fatal attacks from the opposing duo following HaeYun's initial strike that could have disrupted my balance and stance, which would have led to them landing combo attacks against me. That's Seer for you. Making good decisions under pressure.


"I see, as expected from Tactical’s protégé. But don’t celebrate just yet. We also have a backup plan," Gil said, unperturbed.


Seer's demeanor shifted to seriousness as he grasped the implications behind Gil's statement. I know that he also saw the notification. Blitz losing to anyone in a one-on-one is unheard of.


“No matter how strong your ace is, she cannot win against us both if we eliminate you before she arrives to back you up,” Seer said.


I concur. Allowing him to escape and regroup with their final member would present a significant challenge. The thought of facing both him and someone who defeated Blitz is daunting.


Anticipating our apprehensions, he reassured us, "Don't fret; I have no plans to flee."


"Do you honestly expect us to believe that?" I questioned with disbelief.


“I don't really care if you don't. Besides, even if I were to escape, I doubt she would collaborate with me. That girl prefers to handle her own battles without interference," he remarked nonchalantly.


Their ace is that confident, huh? That works just fine. Her overconfidence would be her downfall. Seer and I have trained together a couple of times. Therefore, I'm confident we could take her no matter how strong she is if we work together.


"But I'm not giving up just yet! Bring it on, both of you! Never underestimate a cornered fighter," he bellowed a battle cry before charging straight towards me.


As he closed in, I transformed my weapon into a katana within its sheath. His surprise at my choice of weapon was evident, yet he pressed on with his charge.


In the heat of the moment, within striking range, I drew my katana swiftly for a sheathed slash. While my attack might not match the speed of seasoned katana users like Hana, it posed a significant threat. Just as we were on the brink of collision with our weapons, a cannonball struck his shoulder, shattering his posture and providing me with the opportunity to complete my iaido slash aimed at his neck for a critical strike.





HP: 0%




He vanished into blue motes of light without saying a single word.


“I'll take the orb; the extra weight won't bother me as much since I won't be on the frontline,” Seer immediately suggested after the fight, not wasting a single second.


“Understood,” I agreed.


Shortly after acquiring the orb, a figure emerged unexpectedly from the ruins' debris. The timing was impeccable, almost as if she had been waiting for us to finish our orb retrieval before revealing herself.


With her striking white hair and pale complexion, she exuded a captivating presence in her martial artist attire.


What caught our attention was her closed eyes as she navigated the ruins, unfazed. However, the most startling revelation was her HP bar.



HP: 100%


Based on our limited knowledge of her play style, it appears she specializes in pure DPS without any healing abilities. My stomach churned at the realization… this means that Blitz didn't even land a single hit on her.


She opened her eyes, revealing a captivating gaze of bright green that met ours.




"It's somewhat disappointing that your comrade failed to put up much of a fight. Although, I trust that both of you can provide me with a truly captivating battle.”




Uh...... somehow the color scheme reminds me of Nahida.


You know I'm not surprised that she can see in game, I mean it's a futuristic VR game, and I'm pretty sure there are options to "remove" your impairments in those kind of game