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( ゚3゚(゚ε ゚)


#6: Another Halloweenish idea to cap out the month, with glaistiggirl and a two-headed ogre.

#5: Spooky infernal bun stuff. (Oops forgot the cloak clasp. I'm tired. :C)

#4: A random cheesecake thing after thinking about '90s lingerie styles. Sorry for the inactivity lately, will try to post a little more. m( _ _ )m

#3: Some scribbly designs for the ruler and guide of the Bunderworld, I mean Underworld. By no means final, just playing with some ideas to see what sticks.

#2: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY A LITTLE WEIRD so, sorry about that. But I woke up last night and had to scribble an idea for a spooky Death and Her Spirit Girlfriend. I might do more with them and make them full characters and stuff (maybe the spirit should be a bun, to fit it all together.)

#1: A warmup idea for Liptober, probably saving this for the end though.



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