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it's been ages since i've done the white rabbit questionnaire last. prepare yourself for a ramble because we end up going on for a while today. if you would like to take the questionnaire with me, i put all the questions down below.
1. You are in a park when you see a white rabbit in a vest holding a pocket watch declaring to no one in particular his tardiness, do you follow him? Do you continue down the rabbit hole knowing full well where it might lead?

2. Who are you? How do you know this?

3. Are you simply your mind, your body, a combination or something more?

4. Define consciousness in your own words. How do you know you are conscious?

5. Is it possible to prove that other people beside yourself have consciousness? How would you prove it?

6. Does intelligence and consciousness go hand and in hand?

7. How can you be certain that other people exist and are not extensions of your consciousness?

8. Can a machine obtain consciousness? 

9. If someone is cloned are they conscious? Are they the same person or someone new?

10. Do you make choices or are your choices only made because of forces acting on you? Ultimately, do you have free will or is it an illusion?

11. Do we have the right to be happy or is it a privilege that must be earned?

12. What is the actual value of currency?

13. Every time you wake from your bed, how can you be certain you are still not in a dream? Are you grounded in the knowledge that the waking life is real and your dreams are simple fantasy?

14. Are you certain of your own existence?

15. Are you free? If not, how can you become free?

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I’ve tried so many times to type out my answers and finish the thing….I can’t 😩 it’s just so much lol. I am going to keep thinking about these questions and pondering them. Maybe if you do the questionnaire again in a year I’ll be able to answer 😂


So I never answer these types of questionnaires but I've had a shit week and I need a distraction. So here are my rambly answers to the White Rabbit Questionnaire: 1. If I was with someone, yes. If I'm by myself, no. As I've grown older I like sharing my adventures rather than go off on one by myself. 2. My name is Kickis ... It's not really but it's a part of my story so I'm sticking to it. How I see it there's two parts of me: My (real) name is one part and my physical being is the other. I separate the two because I've always felt a little bit detached to my name because I don't think it fits me. It's a very basic bitch Swedish name ... And I'm not basic. The jury is still out on the bitch part. 😜😁🥁Plus my Dad wanted to call me another name that had a little bit more sass to it but my aunt HATED IT so they choose another name. But I've always felt more connected to that other sassy name. The silver lining is that one of my older brothers named his daughter that name and she's ALL sass. Just like me. So I live vicaroulsy through her. But back to the thing: Both my name and my physical being is a part of me. My name is a representation of me in a written world and my physical being is a representation of me in a physical world. 3. I would say I'm my mind. Or a combination of my mind and my soul. And my soul is something more. Because if you put my mind in another body I wouldn't have the same voice or the same eyes but I'd have the same personality and the same mannerisms. My loved ones would still know that it's me even though my body is not the same. As I write this I realize this is how I feel about my Dad that has a chronic illness. His body has changed over the years but his mind is still the same. And he will always be the same Pappa as long as his mind remain unchanged. 🥹❤️ 4. Okay my answer is going to be so different to K's but it's very telling how I operate as a person: I'm a person that is controlled by my feelings (or anxiety). Not logical or pragmatic thinking. Well, that comes second, my gut feeling always comes first. So I would define conciousness as the ability to feel. We make decision based on feelings. If I'm scared I run, if I'm hungry I find food, if I feel safe I rest. 5. Yes, because other people show their feelings through laughter, tears and anger. 6. No. Just because you can recite Shakespeare or know what the best way to get from point A to point B does not make you a concious being. That's just data. And data is not conciousness. And oh fuck do I feel like I'm setting myself up for a major headfuck later on in this questionaire. 😩 7. Because they have their own feelings that I cannot control. They are driven by their own feelings (=wants and needs) that are separte from my feelings (=wants and needs). 8. No. But this is where it gets tricky. Because my definiton of conciouness is feeling and the ability to show that feeling. For example crying when sad, laughing when happy and slamming a fist against something when angry. So that means that all AI have to do is build a robotic body and now they have the ability to show feelings = be concious. Which isn't true. Oh fuck. But I feel like K has spent a lot more time than me thinking about AI and things like the Turing test. Whereas I just listened to people talking about it on a podcasts while I was cleaning or walking somewhere and the gist of it all didn't stick. 😅 9. Yes, they are concious but it's not the same mind. Cause I don't think you can clone a mind or a soul. It's someone new. And the laugh I laughed when K mentioned Paris Hilton's dogs. 😂 10. Yes you have free will but the world consists of billions of people who also have free will. Therefore the choices you make, and the choices everyone else makes, has an effect on your life. Therefore the forces acting on you is the other people living their life in the same world as you. 11. You have the right to be happy the same way you have the right to feel any other feeling. I feel like all feelings are a blessing. As someone who would say their life is very much ruled by their feelings I've had to come to peace with the fact that I feel a lot, most of the time it's not happiness, and that's beautiful. It's just a part of the human experience and I'm lucky that I get to experience it in full technicolour. 12. I feel like I could go on for hours about this one and it would probably just end in a very dystopian rant about capitalism and why we as human beings love to put each other into groups and classes and how currency is a product of that. It's the physical representation of our need to categorize people. Short answer: The physical currency is worth nothing. It becomes valueable once we apply societal worth to it. 13. Yes, I'm grounded in the fact that waking life is real because my mind is what all of my senses are experiencing. I'm seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling new sensations all of the time when I'm awake wheras when I'm sleeping I'm not engaging all of my senses and I'm not experiencing new sensations. And I have a tendency to daydream but I can always snap myself out of it by engaging with my senses. 14. Yes, I'm certain of my existence because of my senses and my experiences. But also my interactions and experiences with other people. They ground me in the fact that I'm real and this life is not an illusion ... or are they an illusion too? So I don't doubt that fact that I'm an illusion? You can tell that I've been doing this test for far too long. 15. Yes I'm free. But I have responsibilites that constrict certain areas of my life. Like I want to live in an appartment in the city. So I need money to pay rent. I earn money by having a job. That job demands that I'm at a certain place between 9 to 5 and I need to do certain things. Basically my lifestyle determines how free I am. Because where I'm physically also affects my mental freedom. I feel mentally free when I'm in a place that I can be myself without judgement.


1. I wanna say no because I'm terrified of animals let alone a talking one, but if I knew where the hole was leading, a little hesitation but definitely. 2. I feel like the only way i can answer the second part of the question is to make the first part an object, because i can't know im amina...like what is an amina, and would i know who every amina is? There has to be certainty with knowing for me. So because the only thing I have proof of is my body and my objects I'm gonna say at least in the moment i am a human tapping on a phone. ( feel like I over thought it but whatever) 3. It's gotta be your mind. Or something more but something more has to be connected to your mind. Body I wanna say no because if I was to put my brain in a different different body I would totally be aware it wasn't mine but to have someone else's mind in my body how would I control that. I guess I'm physical there but because your brain is the home of your mind and your brain controls you body im only there in a physical sense unless it's a fresh brain but then it's doesn't really have the bias thoughts and/or experiences to be a mind. 4. Consciousness is the act (emphasis on the act) of being aware in and out of a moment. (Ex. If you are watching henna being applied to your hand you are conscious that it is happening, but if you look away and can still feel the cold henna bieng applied you're still conscious But if you were to get deeply distracted into a show and you are no longer focused on the feeling on your hand you are no longer conscious because all you're attention is zoned into the TV. 5. I'm gonna go based on my definition. I don't think you can prove it in a first person pov but just based off the fact that they are human and have thoughts thats the proof. When they have there focus on an action especially one with more then one step and one the are not used to doing they have to be Conscious and aware to do it correctly. Like setting an alarm you have to be conscious and aware to set the right time. 6. No 7. Back to my definition lol because if they're based on my consciousness then that would mean they no longer exist when I'm not conscious of them. 8. Yes 9. Definitely someone new (physically) and conscious but to an extent. I am kinda stumped because physically the same I get that because there are people who are twins, but in the sense of having the same mind, would it be like an Echo? Would they think the same and have the same experiences at the same time? And how would they know which one is the clone would they Both have the memory of being cloned and doing the cloning? Assuming they're cloning They self. 10. Your choices can be effected by the forces around you but making a choice in itself is a choice. You can and do make choices that are based on biases but at the end, it was your freewill to make or not make that choice. You weren't forced to follow the path set by those bias. 11. If the ability to be happy was put into you I think that means you have the right to be happy. I don't think there's anything you HAVE to do do to earn it but I think the way humans are set up we do earn it in a sense. Like for example you shouldn't make A plan with the end goal being happiness because you will forever be walking down that road cause it's not a permanent feeling, but if someone was to be pleased with you and went out of their way to do something that would make you happy you technically earned it by being someone who that person enjoys in their life. 12. ...idk what ever value you put on it? 13. I don't think you can be or at least I haven't. I've woken up from a dreams in dreams before thinking I've woken up and then actually woken up. I think because I had to process when I actually woke up and it fitting my day to day action i assume I'm awake but sometimes I have a hard time remembering when something happened in a dream or real life but if I recap the day and double check with ppl around me and it doesn't fit I assume it was a dream. Go away, maybe kinda because dreams are never consistent. And they jump from one thing to another. If you're sitting in a quiet moment for what feels like a long time, you probably can be certain you are awake. 14. I feel like we are different from our bodies though so yes maybe as a thought or spirit I do exist because I have my own thoughts and experiences but my physical body could be a lab rat that I'm controlling. 15. I think sure freedom is a mindset you can make it as simple or as complicated as you want. Yay this was fun!!🥰