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happy new year, beautiful

2023 flew by so quickly; i can't believe it's already 2024. i want to say this past year has been amazing. all the streams, all the audios, all the wonderful moments we've made together. i'm so grateful i've gotten to spend these past few years with you all, and i honestly can't wait to see what this year has in store for us. i was planning to upload a bit more before the year's end, but unfortunately, i found myself sick again during the year changeover. it's nothing terrible, just the flu, which is why i haven't been able to record for the past couple of days. once my voice starts sounding like myself again, there'll be new audios.

i hope you had a wonderful new year's eve and an even better new year's day. i love the changing of the year. it's a magical time full of new possibilities and new hopes, where you get the chance for a fresh start. i'm looking forward to 2024 and to more wonderful moments together.

happy new year <3



Happy New Year! I hope you feel better soon. 💜


happy new year k! thanks for everything this past year. grateful for you and everyone i’ve met because of you 💕