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It's Monday so you know what that means, another installment of Get To Know Knight the show where you ask me questions and I give you answers to the best of my abilities.

If you want to ask me a question you can here.

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Fragrance is everythingggg... I would love to have someone help me ID a scent profile for me. Like I know what I like but I can't put it into words? I usually stick with Marc Jacobs Dot or Daisy or Dream. Ooooh favorite Girl Scout cookies are caramel Delites, thin mints, and peanut butter patties. That's such a hard question! I feel like I remember songs in terms of what I've heard them in but I can't ever just rattle songs off without hearing them. I have a Queen, and I have six pillows and stuffies. I try to make the bed but sometimes it just doesn't happen. I love putting furniture together. I love the satisfaction of having put it together myself. How did I not know you were a chess fiend? Reusable bag, trolley unless I'm running in for something quick. Pee-can. It's peecans. Pecan pie. Phone in the back pocket. Or in my front coat pocket. Where's the bootcut option? Taylor Swifts lyrics are just so clever and her whole creative endeavor is so layered with references and Easter eggs that it's fascinating. I'd love to sit down and pick her brain someday.


Seriously, K. I can listen to you talking about Sonder for 1 hour or even more. I love your take about the word. Along with Avenoir, Sonder is also my favorite word from Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. But, if one truly want to know what my favorite word is, it is Light. Both in English and in my native language. In both literal and metaphorical terms. Literally, I can sit idly watching the streetlight. It's lovely to see how the light enhances the beauty of everything around it. They appear to be glowing with it. Or how, when the light finally breaks through the horizon at sunrise, you can see everything clearly because there is no more darkness. You can notice everything with clarity once the light comes. Or when the light catches the leaves and shines through them. It’s called Komorebi. The beauty comes within the touch of light is something that I always admire. They can be as simple as the shadow cast when the morning light hits the table or wall. Light enhances the beauty of everything it touches. On metaphorical way, I love how light is so significant in our life. My favorite is the light that exists within everyone's heart. How we have both dark and light inside of us, but no matter how difficult life is, as long as we hold on to the light, no matter how small, we'll find a way. That is why one of the things I strive for in life is to have a heart that is always filled with light. Okay, that’s it. I could go on and on about light and my obsession with word meaning for hours, so I'll stop here. Thank you for the GTKK, K. I really appreciate this. I know I'm a little late, but I'll always listen to GTKK, my all-time favorite. I hope no matter how dark the days are, you’ll always find the light ,3