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constructive criticism given in kindness can build you up if it's given with love. but sometimes the people who love us give it to us in ways that are destructive. you're too special to hear those voices in your head.




Two things. First, thank you for never shying away from addressing real life problems. Criticism/the way we internalize it is truly not talked about enough. It feels rare to find people who show empathy toward those of us who don’t take it well. I’ve always been incredibly sensitive to criticism. Any type would always add to that aggressive inner voice. She was mean for a very long time—still can be. With time, growth, and lots of therapy, however, I have finally learned some self compassion. It’s still a work in progress, so a reminder like this is always refreshing to hear🤍 Second, to everyone here feeling all the feels, big hugs 🫂🤍


Thank you so much for audios like these. Work was awful, I was told I was incompetent and that I shouldn't be working there I ended up crying and having a mini panic attack. I locked myself in the bathroom and pulled up my K Playlist. I don't have any fingernails left but after a bit I was able to calm myself enough to finish the day.