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this was requested quite a few times after i did the love language quiz. it's from the same site, it's an apology language quiz. it exams the ways we want our partners to apology to us. if you would like to take it along side me you can here.

my results: 

Make Restitution: 28%
Accept Responsibility: 24%
Planned Change: 24%
Request Forgiveness: 20%
Expressing Regret: 4%




Accept Responsibility: 31% Planned Change: 27% Expressing Regret: 15% Make Restitution: 15% Request Forgiveness: 12%


Accept Responsibility: 32% Planned Change: 28% Make Restitution: 28% Request Forgiveness: 8% Expressing Regret: 4% Fully expected this result. Actions speak louder then words for me aswell as being able to own your faults. No one’s perfect.


Make Restitution: 31% Planned Change: 27% Expressing Regret: 15% Accept Responsibility: 15% Request Forgiveness: 12% Late to the party..like really late haha, but yea I 100% agree. I am very much an "actions speak louder than words" girl. Mainly because I can't tell you how many times I've heard apologies and promises be made to me only to get broken literally the next day again.