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it's Monday so you know what that means, another installment of Get To Know Knight the show where you ask me questions and I give you answers to the best of my abilities.

If you want to ask me a question you can here.




happy monday!! <3


Happyyyyy MONDAY!


Happy Monday <3


HAPPY MONDAY❤️ I’ve been waiting for this!!




YES YES YES. I’ve missed GTKK


K answered the second question and the rest of the audio my brain said: 🐊🤺


The face holding had me rolling 💀💀💀💀💀


I missed this ❤️


Aww I loved this! I smiled all the way through. This was funny and cute😂❤️ I am so scared of spiders, even the tiny ones. I used to touch tiny spiders when I was little no issue but now I’m scared, like my bp goes up haha😭 I had my Apple Watch on and I had to get rid of a small ish spider as soon as I grabbed it my heart rate when upto 146bpm😭 I need to get over it😂 Anyways I love this Knight, thank you ❤️


Your answer to the question about dating someone more than 5 years younger was spot on. I once dated a guy 10 years older and it was a great relationship. We got along so well and our values aligned BUT we weren’t at the same place in life. He was ready for marriage and kids, and I was only halfway through my bachelor’s and already knew I wanted another degree or two before I settled down. I will say, he taught me a lot about what I wanted in a man, so something good still came out of it😌


I’ve missed GTKK so much. Thank you K, I hope you’re well 🥰


its probably bcs of my period, i got too emotional and cried when i saw you posted a gtkk 😭✋ thankyou tho:)


That was a stellar hands/face holding analysis


Good morning Knight


And now "Call Me Baby" is stuck in my head.

Summer J

After 2 finals today, I’m home and can listen to this 🙏🏽🙏🏽💕

Summer J

The face holding question absolutely confused me 😂


me visualizing me pinching both of someones cheeks at the same time for hamburger 💀


I may be in the minority here but 5 o'clock shadow is my favourite look on someone tbh


k saying ‘hey babe’ is just 🤌🏼


can someone gather all of the times knight has said “baby” and “babe” and just edit them all together on a playlist pls 🙏🤭


Happy medium beard is the best ❤️


As the oldest also…do you need a hug love?😂💛 it’s hard work


Okay finally listening: Love a man bun. Especially a really solid one. Crocodile? There are a lot of factors here that I need addressed before I could answer. This ramble is hysterical. The level of Florida man is peakkkk. Dating questions are so hard because they're so contingent on the details. Stage of life, personality, etc. Bruins! Bruins! Bruins! Also the NHL farm teams are so fun to watch. YES THE MARSHMALLOW QUESTION! I KNEW YOU WERE AN IRRESPONSIBLE SMORES PERSON. I'm both smug that I KNEW and disappointed that you would ignore the delicacy of slow roasting sugar. It depends on what it is. I can't ever turn down baked goods though. Long distance is always hard, and like you've said before- it needs an end goal. I would absolutely do it again for the right person. Oldest sibling! My brother that is the middle child is the namesake, and therefore has a little bit of older sibling attitude, but I think I give older sibling vibes. I'm glad we know. 😊 It's hard to take time for yourself. You sometimes feel like you don't deserve it or like it hasn't been earned, but it's really important to make room for yourself and what you want/need. I find that if I piggyback it on something I already need to do- showering is a necessary thing, a hair mask or a bath is the luxe version. Kissing- depends on the kiss. Depends on the vibes. 👀 two hands means shit is going down?! Good lord. Beard! Rip the beard! I want like Castaway vibes beard! Happy medium beard I can live with. Don't mess with the buzzy bums. I love being called baby. If I am out on a date with you, I've vetted you enough that I'm comfortable with you and wouldn't hate it


The fact that I forget we have gtkk this week 🫣 I miss this. Whenever I hear your gtkk, you always have oldest sibling vibe. This audio just confirms it. It's not easy to find time to just enjoy doing things for myself. I think my difficulty of finding time for myself came early from the responsibilities I have as oldest sibling. Like I used to take care of a lot of things, and I still do, but I'm learning to have 'me time' just to relax and not feel guilty about it. My best friend always remind me to do it.

Andrea C

Glass. Your poor neglected glasses. Man bun SUPREMACY. this croc question kills me. You get so INTO IT There comes a point in life where the older you get, the more the stages line up. My grandparents were 17 years apart. Red Wings. Forever. Born and raised as a die hard Detroit fan. It feels wrong rooting for anyone else lmao I have my sister always roast my marshmallows. Because I always leave it in the fire too long lol Sweets. Very few spicy things I will eat. I don't mind a small kick once in a while. It's so interesting to hear your answers change! A year ago or so you were so against getting into an LDR again. Oldest gang let's go. I'm still working on not feeling selfish for taking a chill moment. Even as an adult, my dad wouldn't allow me to do that because I could always be "more helpful" around the house. Still trying to get out of that mindset and it's HARD. I took was confused by the hand question lmaoooo Oh phew. At least it wasn't a baby face shave..I mean you do you. But the beard is like a part of the knight light family at this point. I think it's within our human nature to be alerted when there's a buzz. But yes please don't swing at it! YOU AND YOUR CONTEXT.