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i'm already half asleep by the time my head hits the pillow. all i want is for you to come under the blankets so i can snuggle into you and fall asleep. i'll be patient.




you’re on a roll tonight 🥰👌🏽 love it

moonx ☾

Yaaaaay 🤍 going to listen and sleep rn 😴


I love when you spam us with audios ❤️ Don’t forget to rest.

Summer J

We’re getting fed tonightttt 😌


not him casually bringing back 'mhmm hmm mhm' 💀 mirror in the ceiling(?) ure onto something!


rain 🫶

kay 🦦

had such a bleh day ☹️ much needed K thank uuu, you always know


"Go do your skincare" i feel called out


it is!! it's for doing skincare on bed 👀!!


<3🥺💖 🌧💕 🥺❤️💖 🥺🫦❤️


I’ve actually been figuring out a skincare routine for the first time in so so many years <3 I’m a little nervous, because my skin is so sensitive to a lot of stuff, but I’ve honestly been really really excited about it! 🥺💕🥰🥰 I wanna take better care of myself, and I’m taking baby steps forward <3 🥺💕 I’ve been doing a lot of research and window shopping online, and I finally bought a few things. I’m patch testing them tonight, wish me luck! 🥰


this is so weird so it was 4 am here when this video posted and like i just woke up randomly checked my phone and you had posted its like i knew in my sleep🤣


Daddy we want to go to target and ulta today


OH SHIT i was just imagining it it's gonna be hot asf i'm going feral for that oneee 😩


The skincare nerd in me was so happy when I heard this. 🤓❤️


Good skincare is hard to keep up with but soooo worth it! 💛


I actually have really good news 🥺💕 I just finished patch testing the skincare products I bought, and I didn’t have any allergic reactions to the ones I was most excited about 🥺💕🥲 I’m going to start trying those ones on my face. 🥺💕🥲 Not all at once because my face is more sensitive than my arms, so I could still have an allergic reaction on my face, but this is still an amazingly good sign. 🥺💕🥲 I’ve been using the same hypoallergenic products - soap, cream, and shampoo - since 2019, because my skin started reacting to everything else (long story 🥺😔). They kept my allergies to a minimum, but they were all fragrance free, and did not give my hair or skin any tlc. A few months ago, I was healing enough internally and externally to feel both brave enough and motivated enough to start trying new products. I got really lucky - I did a lot of research and the FIRST product I tried, a new shampoo, didn’t bother my skin, made my hair soft like it used to be, and smelled nice 🥺💕🥲😭🥰 That gave me enough hope and enough courage to start trying other things. 🥺💕🥲 I’ve had several setbacks since then, and was allergic to the next 9 products I tried, including the “new and improved formulas” 😒😒😒 of the first shampoo I loved, and the 10th product was meh (not allergic, but didn’t do anything good for my skin or smell nice). But I never got depressed again or lost hope, and now good things are finally happening 🥺🥹💕💖💕🥲😭😭🥰 I’ve got 5 whole products that passed the patch test (out of 7, plus I got a rash from the hypoallergenic medical tape I used, which was honestly just hilarious to me 😂😂😂🙈🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️). I’m so so so happy and grateful 🥹💕💖💕🥹🥰 really good things are happening


Our sleepy man “ when am I ever not sleepy “ that’s a good question although these ones help e sleep