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now that i know you have a list of names, i have to know. how about this, if you tell me the names you like, i'll give you the names i like. 




K, it's 4 am - are you not going to sleep at all?


pft bc how did u know about the list 👀😂 u got to hit them with the first and middle name combo


Arlo is from The Good Dinosaur! not really a fan of the name tho… Btw are we pregnant here in this audio bcs i dont see the pregnancy tag 👀


😂 most of the names also had me thinking of actors But Arlo makes me think of Rosa’s dog from Brooklyn 99 😂 And Theodore makes me think of the chipmunk 🐿 I’m not a fan of Theo for reasons :/ Teddy would be a cute nickname tho 🥺 I don’t think having a list of names is weird, I’ve always felt weird for not having a list. It seems like everyone always had one. I just… sometimes I love the idea of being a mother, sometimes I like to imagine it. But I’ve spent my whole life taking care of everyone around me, putting everyone else first. I’m so exhausted. It’s hard enough to just take care of myself now. But still I try, even though it feels like I’ve been failing everyone, including myself…. 🥺😔 Don’t call him Atlas. No one should have to carry the weight of the world alone…. It’s too heavy 🥺😔 Everything feels heavy tonight.… I Fuck I just wanna sleep 🥺😔


you will always be famous, kithanial. didnt expect arjuna will make it into the audio, im happy at least :')) also, if ure on cat side of tiktok, theres a cat named Arlo- 'hi my name is Arlo, me mum is marine biologist and i am her assistant bipawlogist' lmao ok moving on


This is so cuteeee! Didn't expect Jack to make the list but I love that you gave it an honorable mention here 🙈💛




Miles is lovely❤️ I love Oliver because of his nickname Olly/Ollie it’s so cute🥰 K you have some really great choices🤍


Sebastian is such a cute name 🥹

Summer J

You and the name Dave 🤣


OHH that's how u pronounced malachi 😭😭😭


I think you were thinking of Aro from Twilight. Close, though 😌


I think milles


Phoenix was the name I chose 🥰 always said I’d name my first son that


miles is such a good one


I want to name my first son (if I ever have children) that. 🥹


It’s an adorable name! And Bastian or Bash are the cutest nicknames 🥰


i love miles and kai

A girl has no name

I say YES to the Twilight rewatch 🙋🏻‍♀️


Theo with no dore😭😂