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YouTube Videos, every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at 3pm.

Two NSFW Audios will be released each week.

Cutie Series Audios, every Monday.

Sweetheart Streams, alternate every Friday at 6pm and Saturday at 2pm.

Sleepy Sunday Streams, last Sunday of the month at 4pm.




Thank you K and here's to April everyone!


Happy April ❤️


Hey K, the caption says 2 NSFW a week but the calendar doesn’t match. Can we get a little clarification?


I love the new calendar animations


You know I just got to his patreon like two days ago but I've been on patreon for other people for a while but I have never seen someone so organized and dedicated to there fans ever so glad I decided to join here's to April everyone❤


For real. K was my first but I joined some others after and they are so unorganized. Thanks K ❤️


i wanted something a bit more unstructured for april, surprise uploads for nsfw but there will always be at least two a week.


Thank you, K. Not that you owe us any explanation, but I appreciate the communication. 🤍


no audio on my birthday :((( i was looking forward to it, next year tho


I just woke up (I forgot an alarm), and was so sad cause I thought I was late 🥺🙈 nope, I read it wrong 🙈 I’m going back to sleep 🙈🤭😴

unholy babygirl

Happy april peeps 💜💜💜


Omg I’ll actually get an audio for my birthday this year :D !! I’ll take it as a personal lil gift haha thanks K 🥰

Carri Mcknight

K just an idea you don’t have to do it by the way. But if you don’t want to stream on Twitch again. Like really considering it as bad as I hate it.. would you consider doing YouTube streams? like if it doesn’t lag and slow? if you could maybe you can do that and pin somewhere about no personal questions. Or have a few mods on the stream, or post the Discard streams on your Gaming channel? when you had the time I don’t know it’s just an idea for you. I really can not hear you on the Discord stream and I definitely am not sure why? I have no clue what changed because 3 years ago or almost when I first joined on here and Discord. I heard you a couple of times when you streamed so. Unless I need to download something new? or something else? at the time I think you would mute yourself when you wasn’t using your mic. I could be totally way off though who knows? it just sucks because in October 2019 I got Twitch and downloaded it because of you, and started using my Twitter/lurking on it some because of you again. But it’s okay if you are pretty much done with Twitch.. 😢 I guess I will just delete the app and all. No sense in worrying about it I just love hearing your voice. I don’t find it just sexy, it’s comforting to me too you know? if you never want to use it again I will be fine. I guess at least I can still listen to you on here. Thank God for that ❤️❤️


You work so hard to keep us satiated:) thank you Daddy!


OMG I love this idea and I'm so excited! I hope you'll decide to keep this format


Obsessed with the design. Still waiting for a purple calendar though 💜