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It's Monday so you know what that means, another installment of Get To Know Knight the show where you ask me questions and I give you answers to the best of my abilities.

If you want to ask me a question you can here.




This was good! Thanks k ❤️‍🩹


I’m currently in the second year of my psychology degree and I’m drowning in it, life is hard but u make it much easier so thank you x


im sorry for the silly question for the last one cuz i know you would ramble and get deep into it so yea- but thankyou for answering my questions K:') it does help really!


Everything, Everywhere All At Once made me literally sob in the theater. It's such a good movie. I hope it wins all the Oscars.


Aaaaaaaa I missed this! I found the Tom Ford Black Orchid randomly at an airport and it smells soooo good. The pose is great, the hands are great, I'm so thrilled and tbh feel honored that you shared that with us. I always wondered if certain ones did certain jobs. Disney!!!! I love Disney! I was there recently and didn't get to do either of these new rides, but I'll be there again in September! When I did long distance we traded bracelets- I had a chunky paracord bracelet and he had a silver chain. Having that physical reminder that someone is out there was nice, and it was a constant and comforting reminder that I'd see them soon. IN THE SHOWER? Wait I have questions. Pixar movie has to be Up. I love it so much. Kevin, Carl, Russell? The whole thing touches on so many tough subjects in such a beautiful way. I also love Toy Story, though. Lol that you'd throw Up in your list eventually. Homeward Bound. If you don't cry during that movie, you're a monster. Full send. I'm a Virgo and I'm real Virgo-y. I paid attention to mostly Rihanna's performance, and the end. I didn't really have a strong feeling towards one team or the other. Preferred way of starting the day is with no alarm. A good breakfast. Cuddles. I've always wondered how the sleep audios work, set up wise. I'm glad you actually get sleep during them. I really appreciate how thoughtful this response to the timeline question is. I'm terrified that I'm behind my peers because I (currently) am not a homeowner and I'm struggling to make that a reality for myself. I hope it will happen someday but someday feels SO FUCKING FAR AWAY. I have a teaching degree and I have long since made my peace that I'm not in that profession, but I also feel like I'm falling short. My friends and family are wildly successful and I'm just kind of... here. So. From the biggest part of my heart? Thank you for this. MATH? We end with math? Gahhhhhh. 🙈


As someone in their 30s, I really wish that I would not have gone to 4-year university right out of high school. If I could do it again, I would go to community college and get my Associate's Degree/Gen Eds out of the way and then just work. Only now, at the age of 32, am I finally realizing what I would like to try to do with my life and trying to figure out how to go back to school. Also, it took me this long to get my mental and physical health (kinda) together. It's easy to say, "Don't feel bad. You're on a journey", but I know that it's hard to resist the expectations of people around you. I've had parents and grandparents literally express disappointment in me, but I just keep reminding myself that I'm trying my best at every moment. Whoever asked that question, I hope you can remind yourself of that, too. ❤️ Try to be kind and patient with yourself.


Oh, anecdote, I recently learned that Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House Press Secretary who is the first black and first queer Press Secretary, failed her MCATs and had to go back to school to get another degree to change careers. She's talked about how going through that destroyed her mental health and how hard it was to get through that time. It was a good reminder to me that you can go through a low point that feels like the end of the world, and if you keep going, you can end up accomplishing great things. ❤️


I get the home owner thing - I’ve just accepted that I’ll probably never own a home. I think lots of people feel behind, at all stages of life. For example my parents probably feel behind their friends, because they’re the only ones who aren’t grandparents.


Come to Disney! I got to do a CM preview of Tron and it’s fun, but the real coaster to visit is Cosmic Rewind. That’s my favorite ride hands down.


His hand pic and him in a black long sleeve shirt I loved it


K is respectful of women


OMG I've missed GTKK so badly! I love your hand photoshoot, which I'm pretty sure the process wasn't really that easy. Kudos to you and the photographer! Oooooof long distance. I agree with you, we have to have an endpoint, otherwise, it'll be super hard to get through it. Trading a T-Shirt or cologne works for me 100% + facetime/phone call before bed <3 RYOU if you read this I'm proud of you and please listen to K! 22 is a great age to make mistakes and learn from them, I wish i could go back to 22 and fix everything. I was too hard on myself, especially in my education and career. I wanted to achieve everything and ignored my true passion (which is singing) and happiness. I know that peer pressure exists, but remember everyone has their own pace, and I believe 100000% you're gonna get there! <3



Andrea C

That hand reveal was just so damn cute. Just imagining the hard work you put into it, just for HANDS. STAHP breaking your poor mics. ALSO HELLO WARNING before you're in our face like that. How the FUCK did you manage to burst the space bubble through a MIC. BLESS YOU for putting the seat down. My brother NEVER LEARNED. Men have stupidly long eyelashes and it's not fucking fair. I feel ya on that day off. Lately I'm up and around unless I'm sick and it SUCKS. you did not just high five yourself. Pixar. It's so hard to chose! Walle is great. But Soul.....it just gets me in the feels each time. And the end of Turning Red will get me to grab the tissues too. Bugs Life is a classic indeed. Marley and Me. You will blubber. Her is also a good option. You had football as a BACKGROUND? shooketh. My preferred way is without an alarm. Thank you for that first question ryou. Because I have been curious for YEARS. Im going to write my answer to your second part, my child, before I even hear K answer. There is no rush for that higher education. I spent 5 years getting a degree I don't use. I don't regret the connections and friends I made, or even my experience as a whole. But what I regret was jumping into such a costly piece of paper without really thinking about it. I did what you should never do, and I went to uni and majored in music Ed in an attempt to please a parent, who is ironically not a part of my life anymore. He originally went to school for that same thing, but dropped out to start a family. So I guess a part of me thought I owed it to him to follow through. Mentally, those were some of the worst years of my life and I am now literally paying for it. I don't regret the good experiences I had and the people, but I regret the money I spent to not even use it. I went back a year later to community college, where I spent a FRACTION of the money and time for a career and degree I love so much more and actually use. This degree I researched and checked the job market. I checked to see where the demand would be to see if this was sustainable. Once I was pleased with my research, I felt much better going into the new career being informed and learning what I wanted to. The lesson here, take your time picking what you want higher education for, if that's even the path you choose. While I am proud of the work out into my degrees, they don't define any part of success. The parent figures currently in my life who do pretty well for themselves don't have that higher education to fall back on. You don't have to have a degree to be successful. Someone else's wins and successes does not and should not define your own. You're only 22. It's okay to not know where to go yet. If you would've told me at 22 what my life was like a year later? I wouldn't have believed it. I would've tried to find some bullshit to call out on. Change can happen so fast. It's so unfair that society teaches us to chug through school for YEARS to be worth anything as far as a career goes. Many times, experience can far surpass it. Take your time. Look into what will make you happy AND fulfill what YOU believe to be successful for yourself. Back to you, K. Glad we on the same page here lmao.

Alivia’s Life

Seem like a minute since gtkk for me


Damn the one about feeling behind got me🥺