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hey knightlights,

just a little information regarding the discord server, updating those would like to opt out of being part of the server.

if you would like re-admission into the discord server you can fill out this form HERE.

if you need help linking your discord and patreon together you can find a guide HERE.



Andrea C

How often do you check this Mr. Sir K?


I seriously need to stop procrastinating and make a discord account

Andrea C

Oooof discord and Patreon just can't make it easier can they?


appreciate the update. <3


Thanks for the update K<33

Carri Mcknight

Hi K not to sound too stupid here or anything. But is this for everyone that is part of your Discord server? or is this for newer Discord server people? sorry I was just needed to know


I cannot for the life of me work out how to connect and join the server, even using the help page lol

Tatyana Wolfe

Same I’ve used the help page and it will bring me to discord but It won’t connect me to his discord


wait, okay, go to patreon settings > link app > add your discord account. normally his server will show up automatically. if it doesn't work, go to discord setting > authorised apps > 'X' for the patreon app and then try again the same steps. hope this helpsss :))


thank you so much. it didn’t work :( im sure you’re giving the correct instructions but when i get to the authorised apps section on discord it doesn’t show patreon for me to add, even though i authorised it on here :(


If you are currently on the server and verified, you don't have to worry about anything, this is only for those who are unverified on the server currently.


Thanks K 🥺🥺❤️

Carri Mcknight

Okay! well I wasn’t sure but thanks for taking your time out of your day and telling me.❤️


ah man im sorry :( but yeah like K said, reach the patreon support and hope u can sort it out soon <3