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i know it feels like the world is falling apart and you're feeling anxious right now. come here, you need to give yourself a break from the news and let me hold you so you can find some peace and quiet, love.




I purposely pushed this one off until I felt I actually needed it. Over the last few days, the news has been unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The world just feels so dark and heavy right now, and it’s so overwhelming. Thank you so much for creating a space for us to feel and heal when needed most.❤️


I watched the news this morning and I just started crying. I always try to see the best in humanity but it scares me how cruel the world can be sometimes. How power and money can make people do such horrible things to eachother. My heart can't take it. So I'm very thankful for audios like this. 🥺❤️


I needed this I'm here in England praying for Ukraine 🙏🇺🇦 thanks K <3333


Awww so sweet❤️ thanks k! but we need to always up-to-date about what's up with the world though #PrayforUkraine 🇺🇦🙏🏼

Andrea C

Thank you for this. It's been a very bad news week personally amongst the atrocities overseas. #IStandwithUkraine 🇺🇦


Thanks K ❤️


I really needed this right now. I’m just a constant ball of stress & anxiety. Especially as I see our Covid numbers going up. I’ve had to stop watching the news & limiting my time on social media due to the stress. I always love how you say “we” can always wake you up after a nightmare, and always comfort us back to sleep. I had really vivid nightmares as a preschooler & I was always scared to leave the safety of my bed to go and ask for help to get back to sleep. And when I did, I was met with no empathy & a really grumpy response of “why did you wake me up? Go back to sleep.” Which as a 3 year old, made me think my fears were stupid. Thank you for always empathizing with nightmares and how frightening they can be. And more importantly saying “I’ll be here until you go to sleep” or “I won’t go to sleep until you do.” It’s so comforting ☺️


Its a very scary place out there. Prayers for Ukraine and all the families affected.

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

It’s up to each of us to make it right-do it scared-do something!


Ooooh I needed this one. Thank you so much


Thank you for this. 💛 I have a feeling I'm going to have this playing a lot. My friend is in the middle of it all and I'm having a hard time not deep diving into the news.


honestly sometimes the best thing to do is to not (over)watch the news, especially when the news is distressing. it’s so heartbreaking and scary what’s been happening, and this audio came at the right time. i appreciate it knight <3 sending many hugs and prayers to everyone affected by what’s been going on, in hope that it will get better 🇺🇦 #prayforukraine

unholy babygirl

Speaking from Poland, trying to cope with my crippling anxiety… Just Thank you, K. Thank you.


Thank you!! This was definitely needed. Since 2020 I have not been able to watch the news without feeling anxious about everything going on in the world. With the pandemic and now this, you have no idea how stable your audios help me feel even when the world is in chaos 💛💛💛

Ada Raven

Yeah, man, everything in the world is triggering that existential depression that seems to be afflicting a lot of people these days. I’ve had to stop watching the news & just try to keep up to date without steeping myself in it. But damn, I really could use a cuddle. Doesn’t have to be romantic, just somebody give me a hug 😂😅. And lemme cry somewhere other than my shower.


Omg,so much is happening and it's gotten so overwhelming that some days seem like a never ending fight to see the positives.especially recent world events that one of my friends has a friend trapped with no way out.like,how do I even start to console.ive found myself numbing it out so I can save myself the emotional weight which is not a healthy coping mechanism.i can't say I've 100 percent stopped watching the news but when it plays 8 h a time at work it's hard to ignore.


the world is a scary place. i hope everyone is staying safe right now :')


Thank you so much. I didn't realize how much I needed this.


🥺❤ thank you K *hugs*


i got yelled at all day by my riding trainer and got kicked in the boob by a horse so this was nice to come home to. thank you k :)


I am hardly sleeping due to anxiety. Three to four hours max. The rest of the 24 hours, checking the news regularly so this was badly needed. Got to sleep right away after listening to this. Thank you, K. 💜💜💜💜💜


A terrible thing just happened in brooklyn and i ran into this audio immediately to keep me calm. I'm so scared but thanks to this audio, i feel safe😭


This has been a rough news week with Buffalo and now Texas. I'm so glad this audio is here to come back to. Thanks, K. ❤


I needed this one… just watched a terrible true crime docu and I just know I can’t sleep tonight… thanks for taking my mind off✨