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i know you hate it when people make a big deal about your birthday but how could i not. 




my 21st birthday is next saturday and i’m already over it lmaooo


As someone who always feels awkward when it’s her birthday this audio means a lot✨


considering my birthday is coming upp thank youuu🤎

Andrea C

A WEEK LATE but I'll take it 🤣🤣 Also, took me 18 hours. 45 min of that was for an emergency C since I decided I was only coming out halfway. Also tried to come out backwards. But if it weren't for that 45 minutes I would've been born on Valentine's so....12:45 am. I was also born under the full moon. Listen, im way less problematic than I sound okay? Lmao


As someone who hates their birthday, this was actually really lovely.


“baby you haven’t changed” yes i have.. i’m one year older 🥲


i actually do hate birthdays i find them very awkward and i never understood why we celebrate them


this crazy as it’s literally my birthday tomorrow😭😭


birthday was yesterday and i hated every second of it, i hate my birthday 😂


stop. cause it’s literally my birthday <3

Emma Lorenzo

my birthday is sunday maybe this will shift the tide when the day comes


Haaappy birthday lol! I always treat my birthday as "a day of reflection" tbh. Like what have i achieved from my previous age and what can i improve from myself in my new age if that makes sense.. Also i'm v grateful for my workplace because they give us a "birthday (paid) leave" a.k.a a day off and send us a cake for our birthday🎂




Happy birthday!!!!!!!


I love birthdays so much. I love celebrating the people I love so much with their favorite things- because you're not just celebrating an anniversary of their birth, you're celebrating all of the incredible, wonderful things that make up who they are in their soul. 💛🎉✨🍦 I was actually born Labor Day weekend, 3 weeks early- my mom was working at the hospital, and they brought her upstairs to L&D and I was born 4 hours later. I went to my own baby shower- which does beg the question: would baby showers be better if you could actually meet the new baby? (It proves problematic because new moms need time to adjust to life with a baby, but I think maybe I'm onto something.)


Happy birthday!..My birthday is usually the first day of school so I always went to school in extra style.My family tradition is that the morning of our birthday we got one present,usually our favorite cereal and got to pick our birthday dinner.im usually pick a spaghetti dinner with my dad's homemade sauce cause I love pasta.i won't say I'm a super fan of birthdays but the way I see it is every birthday is like new years.you get a chance to have a clean slate and new goals so I won't be a brat and not have one.im gonna turn a year older weather i like it is not so might as well enjoy it:)


Listening to this on my birthday after a break up & a break down. THIS IS COMFORTING. In a weird way... idk 😂




Listening to this right now as it’s my birthday and feel this exact same way 💜