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these past week has been pretty rough, morning sickness is always a terrible experience but I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure you feel as good as possible under the circumstances. the doctor said hopefully in a few weeks it should clear up. 




Love those pregnancy audios so much!


I been waiting for this one!!!💜💜💜


I live for pregnancy audios


everytime you said 'im proud of you' in wtv context, a tear or two rolling down my cheek like why no one told me that irl?! ilovethisaudiosomuch<3


When’s the 5th one coming out


The 2nd trimester is the sweet spot. You’re generally not sick anymore, you have more energy & the baby is active but not heavy. But it can be a long road out of the 1st trimester, a friend of mine said it was like being on a boat constantly. Thank you for these sweet pregnancy audios, Knight, they’re so lovely 🥰


......gatorade......? Excuse me lmao

Andrea C

Or you can be like my sister who had morning sick throughout the second trimester too. Was roooough

Andrea C

More than likely sometime in December. This is like a one episode a month series

Alivia’s Life

Atp I don’t even know what else to say about parenthood/married audios. I love how you carry the storylines <3

moonx ☾

I looove the pregnancy ones ☺


I hope that if I ever get to be pregnant, I have a partner this kind. 🥰


pregnancy audios🥰> anything else


me waiting for the next one like: 😀⌚️