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I was feeling introspective, so I recorded something introspective.




Knight: what makes you happy? Me: YOU!


my 2am brain is so random cuz I tried to imitate Peter Parker when you said 'what makes you happy?' 'happy is that you?!' my real answer for that actually is sunsets/sunrises tbh, cuz the calmness before everything goes dark/bright it just so beautiful. idk how to explain it but yea 😌👌


for me I think it's the snow. I LOVE winter with all my heart (especially because it's cold yes) but i feel truly happy when I see that everything becomes white and clear, it's like a new page, a new beginning before everything becomes bland and disgusting again because people walk on it


Deep talk right here. I thought happiness is simple, but our mind tend to think something complicated.I love the little things, so I would enjoy all around me. As simple as listen to your audio, seeing someone's smile, having a good friends *no it's maybe not a little things. Yeah, but, I often smiling over little things, so that is my part of happiness. The homework is soo harrd, Sir! But I'll think the top three, what makes me happy.

Alivia’s Life

^ Madi I love that response because I totally agree with you. At least that’s ONE thing among a few for me but I genuinely hope k smiles when he reads that 🤍. *But I don’t want to go into my actual perspective of happiness because I might as well write a book because I just wouldn’t stop lol.


For me personally, happiness is when i'm feeling enough with what i have. Humans tend to feel never enough with everything they have and always strive for more. I mean it's good for motivation, but on the other hand, it's also bad because it can make us greedy. Happiness is not about transcending them through accomplishment, but rather embracing the messiness that comes from being a flawed human in an unpredictable world. In short, know your limits, don't be too hard on yourself and you shall receive happiness. (this is the turkey inside my belly talking lol)


100%. i wish that he knows how much he means to us. That man saved my life. 💜💜


this hurt


This was amazing... yes please do more. Saying "my children make me happy, they are my world" was an easy answer for me for years.... until speaking to someone who asked "if you take away your children who are you?" And i honestly couldnt answer. Then i found out who i was through your audios... i knew nothing about bdsm or being a little or any of that.... but when i heard it, i knew it was me, and i wanted to learn more so i did. Im still learning about myself everyday, and the feeling of being able to talk to others about it is indescribable. I have so many close friends because of you and what you have created in order to help people. So when others say "you" K..... i know what they mean and i agree. ❤

Angelica Mosqueda

I know definitely know how it feels to have family issues. This past week has been nothing but problems and frustration. According those relatives I am not a member of the family and i'm not important they've been very critical with their expectations of me since my mom died in 2014 I was 15 at the time it never stopped and I just sucked it up until now when I found out what they really thought of me now that i'm in my 20s.