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It's Monday so you know what that means, another installment of Get To Know Knight the show where you ask me questions and I give you answers to the best of my abilities.

We tackle more Patreon questions and a few curiouscat questions. This episode is a makeup episode for any of the weeks I may have missed when I was sick.




Incredibly refreshing to hear you talk about religion. I completely lost my faith after I lost my only sister and it’s been hard being the only nonbeliever in my family. Kudos to you K. Stick to your guns.


YES SAME! I always go to the concert music festivals by myself. it's fun to meet new people🌟 And btw, you could rambled about existential nihilism for an hour+ and I'd be super down for it! I've been reading about it since high school, but I can't discuss it because no one seems to have interest about it, which bummed me out.