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I know it's a bit early but I doubt anyone will complain. We are doing half Patreon Questions, half CuriousCat Questions. I try my hardest to make it through the whole session without coughing up a lung.



Get To Know Knight: Episode 21 I know it's a bit early but I doubt anyone will complain. We are doing half Patreon Questions, half CuriousCat Questions. I try my hardest to make it through the whole session without coughing up a lung.



So sorry you are still struggling with that coron... I mean bronchitis cough. Sincerely hope you feel better soon! 💕


im surprised this came out early and im sorry your still sick stay hydrated and get well soon k and i had pizza in squares homemade one time and ive seen snow up in the mountains before thats really pretty and happy sunday <3