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Hiya! I've been liking YGO Master Duel a lot and made a deck using this blue-haired circus boy as one of the main fellas and aaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Arlekino SO MUCH I had to draw him ;3;

I still wanna draw a better MM Max... someday...

Anyone have some fun ROGUE decks they play?




I'm an x-sabers fan myself

Jesus Juarez

You know me already, I love me my Dragonmaids 🥰


Dragonmaids over here! I also messed around with Cyberse PSY-Frame, Cyberdark, Deskbot, and Krawler. God I love that new Level 6 Krawler they revealed.

Vivi the Demon Archfiend

Been trying to build a SolFaChord deck, but currently I main a Junk/Stardust deck in Master Duel. One of these days I will also rebuild my pendulum magician deck


As an added note, I started playing Deskbot back when they were slowly being released (Deskbot 004 was what got me into them), and hadn't really touched them after Links came out. If I were to play them nowadays, it'd probably be with some Gizmeks and Symphonic Warriors. And Mecha Phantom Beasts, but that's a given since Deskbot 001, Crystron Halqifibrax, and Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon make a stupid strong combo trio. Halqifibrax was such a huge mistake...

Muziki Clark

My favorite deck was Lunalights and the last decks I built were Salamangreats and Phantom Knights (all as pure as possible).