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I'm just trying to enjoy a movie or a show sometimes and then boom! People start fuccin and I get uncomfortable lmao

I find them more annoying than gross, in fact I don't find it gross at all. Just inconvenient since most of the time it has nothing to do with anything and it was just thrown in because somehow the MCs have no other way to display their love right? 

I might just be rambling now but I can't be the only one that feels this way 😂



Kai Masamune

Im gonna be honest…I’ve never really notice that before you said anything about and thinking back a lot of the action movies I’ve seen did that unnecessary sex scene crap lol

Emmanuel Molina

I know what you mean. And sometimes it's with characters that had no build up to it.


They be like "quick! Theain character amd this love interest they just met need to show the audience they like each other! Make them have sexy time to show their love!" It could just be me but I don't measure how much I love my partner with how much sex there is but with stuff like acts of kindness, cooking their favorite meal, watching their favorite show with them, and other things like that

Kai Masamune

Pretty much yea I don’t really have a partner besides my faithful and loyal cat companion who might be a huge dickwad to me but I got what cha mean. Much like hallmark or lifetime films.


I agree honestly

Gamer Gallade

I'm not Ace but damn those scenes really catches me off guard. If I wanted sex scenes in my videos, would much rather watch Hentai


Yeah I'd rather not have sex scenes stuffed in my face when I'm just trying to enjoy the story of the movie.


That's the most annoying part to me, people that barely know each other magically fall in love within a few hours LOL

Richard Hardslab

Used to have that problem when I was a teenager tryin to write stories. “How do 2 people who affection? Hawt Dickins!” I’m somewhat more mature now

Muziki Clark

Rent King and Slim and learn why I will never be okay with sex scenes in movies ever again.

Jesse Oliver

Honestly I almost always feel like it’s really awkward, and forced? Like oh you see person and speak to person for maybe five minutes and then just bang? And most of the time it doesn’t even look like they are having fun so much as they are engaging in some act of violence on each other


I feel that. But that kinda just goes to show how far the influence goes, because we're taught that sex is the "ultimate display of affection". Gonna have We Live In A Society moment here, but I don't think it's healthy to associate sex=true love since there are so many other ways to show affection and appreciation towards a partner

Muziki Clark

@Lazy It's more like how jarring it was. It kept cutting back and forth between the leads having car sex and a kid pointing a gun at a cop at a protest.

Richard Hardslab

I agree, it's got a place, but it also has a bad habit of making you feel things that don't always go long term, and that suuuucks


You get it! All the times this has happened to me when my parents were around... My dad used to tease me about my discomfort about it so bad. Ughhhhh


God same, except my parents would at the same time go "it's too adult for you, you'll just be obsessed with it when you're older!" Jokes on them lol

Suterusu Ryu

Really awkward when watching with gf and this happens and it always is more awkward in the movie. Like in the secound kingsmen movie.