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Hemlo! It's ya girl Lazy! My elbow really hurts!

Anyway onto some important changes I've made regarding POLL SETS and LFH CHAPTERS! I am super anxious today so please bear with me and I'd appreciate it if everything is read carefully so there isn't confusion ;3;

Poll sets - It's already been a thing for a long time, but previous poll/poster sets are limited time! After a couple weeks of being live, these sets are archived.

LFH Chapters - After 3 months of being live, old chapters will now be archived as well! New chapters will remain until the end of the 3rd month. Chapters are now considered supremely early access and your support goes to the production of the new chapters! 

-Note-- Chapter 1 will be RE-UPLOADED later this week at the $2 level, in its entirety, since G-road is extremely strict on their policies and I don't want them mistaking Chibi Lazy for a child (which she is absolutely no lol she's me and I'm 25) 

FEAR NOT MY FRIENDS AND AMAZING SUPPORTERS! ---- these things are going to now be available on my shiny new Gumroad site! So if you missed a set that is not up anymore, or joined late and wanna catch up on old LFH chapters, you can head over to G-road and purchase those chapters and pinups for your viewing pleasure! They aren't expensive either, and you get those FULL sets and FULL chapters! 

If you've been around a long time, you can simply email me and I will send a zip file containing old chapters of LFH, but not poll/poster sets. This offer will ONLY apply to current patrons, given you previously had access to the chapters that were available to your tier -I can can check your tier from any given month to verify you had access to it. An example so there's no confusion- if you had access to a $5 chapter, I can still send you that chapter, but I cannot send you a $10 chapter. This excludes chapter previews, which I usually set at $5! I always post the first few pages of a new chapter for all patrons to see.  If you had access to $10 chapter, I can send you ANY chapter.

I will also be adding discount codes to the reward pool at certain times throughout the year! That way if I put up certain digital products (like printables, exclusives, etc), only you guys will get the juicy discounts, and folks outside of our community can have smaller ones. 

Again, if you previously had FULL access to FULL chapters at the tie of them being live, at your appropriate tier from when they went up, I can email you those. ($5 members-from time can get the $5 chapters -preview pages don't count but will be available until the chapter is archived-. $10+ members can have any chapter)

With all that being said -whew my stomach is doing flips -here's the link to my Gumroad in case you wanna get those aforementioned stuff. It's still a work in progress, but I will spend this weekend putting new stuff up. So far there are a few things there though!




AND if you are still a bit confused, please don't hesitate to reach out! I won't bite... hehehe Seriously though, you peeps know how chill I am, I'm totally down to answer and questions you have!


Also, this weekend I will be handing out Discount codes for previous theme set packs! Anyone $5+ will have access to the discount code, which I will make a post about~

Kai Masamune

Whew that’s a lot of info to digest but it’s cool that you have a gumroad store now ^_^


Yeah sorry for the mucho texto moment, I had to elaborate a lot since I'm super anxious and when I get anxious I over explain @_@ But I wanted to have another way to distribute my work well after they've been archived, and for people that can't afford a Patreon membership right away. The option for super early access and physical merch is always here though 👌🏼

Kai Masamune

It’s no worries 😌 I actually like this idea since I missed out on the maid poster set so I’m glad I can buy that pack ^_^


Out of curiosity, could we request for some of your older content like Near the End chapter 1 or even that one-shot featuring Kurtze?


Near the End will always be early access here and then public! So it won't have to be on Gumroad This is more for my limited time items (the poll sets and LFH) since once their gone they kinda just hang out in my files And by Kurtze one-shot you mean Monster in the Closet, that will also always be public! I reshare it on Facebook once in a while but I'll put it on twitter too since i don't think I have it there