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Burn out, exhaustion, emptiness, anxiety, The Big Sad... We get those days.

I get 'em too! It's really tough some days to find the motivation and energy to interact with the people I care about. I feel guilty and sad being an absent friend. It makes me feel I'm leaving myself out when I see the fun conversations and games they get into and I stress myself out by thinking of all the work I have to get done. 

And eve though I can't be around as often as I used to be... they still treat me with love and respect and act as if I was never gone. And it really is comforting to know they understand how busy I can get. I've been with these friends for many years, and I'm scared of losing them. So I really do my best to not be so absent. Same for the other people that show their support and interest in me. I just hope that the new people will come to understand as well. 

After years of being kind of a nobody and just doin' my own thing, the sudden burst of attention these last few years has been stressful and overwhelming. I'm still getting used to it and hopefully one day I'll be able to handle this sort of avalanche of messages ahaaaaaa.

I still appreciate the vast amount of nice messages and comments everyone leaves. I always read them when I have free time, and even if I don't always respond (mostly because I have the memory span of a durian), they always make me happy and push me to go on ^^




I know that feeling really well. It sounds like you’ve got supportive, loving, caring friends who understand you and want you in their lives as you are. That’s a wonderful thing to have. I get feeling like you’re a crummy or absent friend. I feel that way often, myself. But I try—emphasis TRY—to remember that they get who I am and understand that sometimes I just need to retreat. Not because I don’t love them (I absolutely do. My friends are wonderful) but because sometimes I just *need* to. You’re lucky to have such amazing friends but don’t sell yourself short. They’re lucky to have you too.


"GUH" I appreciate you doing this -- and I think this comic is so cute, too! We're all going through our own stressful periods, and yet you're still the most active patron that I support :) Take time for yourself and make sure to recharge! <3


Living is hard, especially in this world where you're constantly feeling attacked by everything all the time from all sides and everything is closing in around you and I'm rambling and also depressing myself so I'm gonna go adopt the fetal position in a corner


Aye please do take a break if you need it fam! I love the cool stuff you make, your OCs and how you push yourself but please pull back a bit to take care of yourself, I've been feeling the same in a way since I started working last week, hell I experienced my first anxiety attack, feeling overloaded with information. It was terrible so I disappeared from the internet too for a bit. But remember that you can come back strong, it just takes a bit, do what you enjoy, eat a good meal, please just remember that as much as I love your work and talking about it whenever I can with other Nøkkens, I love it more when you take care of yourself more. Please get well soon!!! :)


Do you boo we got your back


You are always doing amazing in our eyes!! FANG GANG!


I know how you feel hun just take some time and try to relax and de-stress I used to meditate to manage it myself