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**What's a Hell-beast?** : A Hell-beast is a violent creature solely created for destruction. The Ebonn Lords of Oli'bivion gave these vicious monstrosities the sole purpose of causing mayhem for the Lhumaeo of Lhandalios. But after the fall of the Ebonn Lords, the Hell-beasts that were trapped in Lhandalios were hunted and killed. The rest remained in Oli'bivion and escaped the pocket realms of their gods and wreaked havoc on the Daemon. 

In current times, they still cause many problems with the civilized populations by devouring live stock, destroying property, and even killing people. They're usually found in areas with lower populations so they can spawn larger numbers. Individuals and packs alike then go on to attack ill-prepared residents. 

They come in may sizes but are usually large. Despite their size, the are dim-witted and have a one-track mind focused on eating and destruction.




Omg i relly thoght he had made it poor man


AAAAHHHH!!! Hes so close to death and craves it so, yet fights back to live!