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Decided to go further with Nuumi since she was really well received ^^
Notes from the POV of her researcher Codename: Persia--
Day 16- "Nuumi is becoming more friendly with me and no longer gives me trouble when I examine her. Even though she is restrained during her physicals, she is relaxed and doesn't struggle. As long as she can see me through the window of the door, the guards are able to fasten her to the wall easily. They do seem put off by the constant "purring" though... Today's exam was standard- heart rate normal (or at least normal for her kind-, nothing out of the ordinary with her tongue, teeth, or throat either. The one eye on her face that doesn't have the dangerous affect of the other two was examined and nothing out of the ordinary there either. I did stare a bit longer after examining, and she stared back intensely, but I could sense that is was more of an affectionate stare rather than a predatory one. She never blinked."
Day 20- "Today I did something dangerous behind the guards' backs... I entered Nuumi's chamber as she was unrestrained. As nervous as I was, I wanted to test how she would react to just me in the room and with freedom to move. I left the door unlocked in case I needed to make a run for it. It wasn't necessary, luckily. She immediately approached me and stared. I guess she now makes this our greeting since ever since our first staring contest we'd spend time at the end of the exam looking at each other. I reached my hand out slowly and she butted are head at it like she wanted to be pet... It was strange to have this terrifying creature act like a household pet. I sat for about five minutes stroking her hair and she rested her jaws on my lap. I've never seen her so relaxed! I will inform the guards that she is no longer to be restrained when I enter for daily examination."
Day 21- "With much protest from the higher ups, and a bit of coaxing, I was able to have my request met. Again, I entered the chamber and Nuumi again hopped up to meet me. The shocked expressions after the exam was hilarious. Apparently no one else receives even remotely the same affection. I spent extra time in the chamber-under observation of course- to groom her hair/fur. She ended up falling asleep! "




I've only had Nuumi for a day and a half and if anything happened to her I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself

