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High Elf Archer was older than all of her friends combined. Born a High Elf of the emerald forests, she had more years on her than any of her peers. Yet never would she look it. Never did she think the almost eternal youth her kind were blessed with as a curse, yet time and time again the ancient archer would find herself mistaken for a human youth whenever her ears weren't visible. Constantly having her slender chest compared to an anvil, the hunter had had enough. Questing for a powerful witch, she sought the means to divest herself of this youthful guise, and don a form fitting of an elven woman's wisdom. 

"Make me older" she would demand of the weary witch when she found her, and the elderly woman would say "I will make you as mature as they come! If only you sign this contract." Happily the heroine signed the witch's bargain, if only she'd known the true meaning of such words would hold...


High Elf Altcher Haha 




Can anyone help me find where the 2020/21 archives are?